Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thought Police Updates

I got a link to an interesting site from one of my lists. I thought that it might be a good site for us all to keep up with.

The site is . And the reason for its significance should be self evident.

As time rolls on, it is becoming increasingly more obvious from items in the news (and the good folks around me here south of the Mason-Dixon line) that "thought crimes" are becoming more... prosecutable.

Regardless of who wins the elections in November, this fascist juggernaut of unacceptable thought prosecutions is already spiraling out of control. It is in the psyches of many. It is in the law to a greater degree than it has ever been.

Welcome to Thought Criminal, this website serves the purpose of monitoring current events to determine if our world is becoming more like the world described in the novel 1984. Thought Criminal is an expose into government corruption, political shell games, invasion of privacy and the new world order. In the novel 1984 Winston Smith is a cog in the wheel of the establishment and he slowly begins to unravel the web of lies and manipulation. Cogent thought is as dangerous in 1984 as it is in 2006. We are an abandoned nation, if Katrina did not help you learn this lesson then you will never learn it. Our government has become a war machine just as it happened in 1984. We will smash the rose-colored glasses and draw the veil from your eyes to reveal the undeniable truth.

Please get involved in our fight, we don't ask for money but we ask for your participation.

Michael Vail
George Orwell rightly said, "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

Nothing short of revolution will ever give our world to those whom it belongs. And if you are not a 'revolutionary', and not a rock, you will have a thought that crosses their line and will find yourself imprisoned, tortured, or even killed because you failed to act.

I was asked to be the Libertarian representative for my area a few months ago. I declined for several reasons, not the least of which is their 'free-market" ideology. But they do have many ideas and beliefs with which I do agree. They actually asked me to "throw us a bone, when you can". For that, they have earned my respect.

I will work with any group or party that works toward 'progressive' improvements in our nation and society. And, for now, Libertarians fill that requirement on many fronts.

But this site will help in our awareness of the enemy within: corporate, capitalist, imperialist extremism.