Friday, May 16, 2008

Those Amazing Miraculous Computers!

In order to give validity to this "evidence," the Colombian authorities asked Interpol to produce a report certifying the "authenticity" of the archives contained in the equipment. Yesterday, March 15, the report was made public <http://www.interpol .int/

Interpol says that:

"The operating systems of the three seized laptops all showed that the laptops had been shut down on 3 March 2008 (at different times, but all three prior to 11:45 a.m., the time of receipt by the forensic computer examiners of the Colombian Judicial Police). The two external hard disks and the three USB thumb drives had all been connected to a computer between 1 and 3 March 2008, without prior imagine of their contents and without the use of write-blocking hardware."

That is, the Colombian Army used and modified the archives contained in the computers, USB memory and hard disks, before delivering them to the Colombian police.

For example, on page 31, the report says:

"83. Seized exhibit 26, a laptop computer, showed the following effects on files on or after 1 March 2008:

- 273 system files were created

- 373 system and user files were accessed

- 786 system files were modified

- 488 system files were deleted

The report says that user documents (Word and the like) are authentic, because they were not modified between March 1 and the date of the examination, however, the same report acknowledges the limits of this statement because in Exhibit 31, there are:

- 2,110 files with creation dates ranging between 20 April 2009 to 27 August 2009

- 1,434 files which show as having been last modified between 5 April 2009 and 16 October 2010

It concludes that "these files were originally created prior to 1 March 2008 on a device or devices with incorrect system time settings. (Page 33)

What this means is that any user changing the time on the operating system can create a document with any date they please, either a prior or even a future one.

And who didn't already know this? I mean, it is crystal clear (to me, at least) that if the capitalist pig's lips are moving, they are lying. That is what they do. That is all that they know. And everyone else is just in a delusional world if they choose to give them the benefit of the doubt.