Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Looming Attack Against Asia

The knowledge of this fundamental truth does not restrain the intent to make war in the minds of the masters. The assertion that an attack against Israel "would be considered an attack on the U.S." by the current president and every presidential contender, as silly as it sounds, virtually assures that we will attack Iran, even if WE do the attack on Israel or arrange for it to be done. And this will disregard the safety and security concerns of any and all allies and interests in the region. You'd think some of this would matter. But apparently it doesn't. We have troops and equipment "...just sitting on the boarder collecting dust waiting for the Green Light".

It should be just about any time now, folks. Congratulations to Iran for making it personal for all Asians. It highlights the literal fallout of the operations that Bush & Co. are going to goad the world into.

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs
This year, Iran finally becomes a natural gas-exporting country. The framework for the $7.6 billion Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline, also known as the "peace" pipeline, is a go. Both these key South Asian US allies are ignoring Bush administration desires and rapidly bolstering their economic, political, cultural, and - crucially - geostrategic connections with Iran. An attack on Iran would now inevitably be viewed as an attack against Asia.