Monday, May 19, 2008

Modern Genocide In North America: "Unrepentant"

When one is made aware of this kind of information, the first reaction is, "This can't possibly be happening". Denial is the first step in the grieving process. It is normal. But we have to move on through the grieving process, at least get past the denial. For it is true. As ugly and horrific as it truly is, it is true. And the lives that have been destroyed by this kind of tragic event need answers for closure, so they can move on through the grieving process and live.

The Epoch Times | Documentary Exposes Ugly Secret of Colonialism in Canada
A hard-hitting documentary that made its debut at the Gabriola Island Film Festival last weekend dwells on a theme that would surprise and shock most Canadians: Canada's genocide.

Even the words sound strange. Who knew that a genocide lurked within Canada's relatively civilized history?

According to Kevin Annett, co-writer and producer of Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide , the time has come for Canadians to learn the truth about what really happened to the aboriginal people from the start of colonialism until today.

It's not a pretty story. Unrepentant documents the "deliberate and systematic extermination" of non-Christian indigenous people within the Indian residential school system by the Catholic, United, Presbyterian and Anglican churches, in collusion with the federal government.

The film, which made its American debut last November at the New York Independent Film and Video Festival where it won Best Director of an International Documentary, is based on Annett's groundbreaking book, "Hidden From History: The Canadian Holocaust." Unrepentant will also be screened at various film festivals around the world.

"We want to generate international pressure on Canada and the churches to start to have full disclosure about what went on so that there can be some healing; real healing can only happen when there's been that kind of complete disclosure," Annett told The Epoch Times from his home in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island.

A while back, I posted an article on the Native American siege taking place in Tyendinaga, in support of Shawn Brant. I railed on "Ethnic Cleansing" and "genocide", but I really was unaware of exactly how correct my description was.

Today, a comment was left on that article that led me to Hidden From There is some VERY disturbing information there that THE WHOLE WORLD needs badly to be aware of. And we all know that the main stream media will not tell the story. So, it is left to us.

On the site you can see the trailer to the movie (2:36), "Unrepentant", or you can see the movie in its entirety. (1:48:00)

This tragedy has been made possible by the institutions that we all hold most dearly: Our Government and The Church. I know that I bash Christianity a lot here. In fact, that's what I so the most! But all finger pointing aside, if we do not become aware of past 'mistakes' (if I can be pardoned for understating the matter so grossly), we are doomed to repeat them again... and again, and again. And this simply has to stop... everywhere. Now.

It takes quite a bit to make me cry...

Folks, this did it.

Visit this site. Educate yourself and everyone you know. Send this out far and wide. Support these people in their search for answers... and for closure. Today. Now. And for ever. For all of us. Please...