Thursday, March 19, 2009

A tribute to Jeff Schoep, since I know nothing about him

An anonymous com menter called me a "fool" for apparently knowing nothing about Jeff Schoep. So, I will attempt to provide some information about this... individual. Let me preface this biographical information with a bit of personal information. Lots and lots of people believe that I am an insufferable, overbearing, self-rightious, sef-absorbed, "know it all" prick, And I can't deny that some of those adjectives may well be deserved. But no one can call me a fascist. Well, they could, but they would be lying and in dire need of facts to back up their assertions.

I will provide the most readily available information on Mr. Schoep. But something suggests to me that I may be hard pressed to find favorable descriptions of him, save any searches on white supremacist web sites. Frankly, I don't care to wade through their drivel. But I may try. Just know that I consider their opinions presented on their sites are hardly anything that I would even broadly consider "fact".

Based in Minnesota, the National Socialist Movement — which claims to be the nation's largest neo-Nazi organization, though it has only about 200 members — says members should be gainfully employed and positively contributing to society.

But as reporter Jon Tevlin discovered, the 30-year-old Schoep hardly fits that description himself, with a string of petty crimes on his record, including a felony arrest in 1998 for aiding and abetting a burglary.

According to court records, Schoep — who was unemployed at the time, and apparently still is — was arrested for accompanying the mother of his daughter when she stole $4,000 worth of computer equipment. Four children were in the back seat of the car during the burglary.

Schoep, who had become NSM commander four years before the incident, pleaded guilty and got off with probation — but not before District Judge Sharon Hall took him to task for gross hypocrisy.

The NSM, she pointed out, "does not condone fathering children around the countryside and taking no financial responsibility. And it does not condone the commission of crimes. I also know that your organization believes that there are various minority groups in this country that do that on a regular basis."

Schoep told the Star Tribune his crimes were "in the past," and claimed to be "taking care of my children." In the NSM, he insisted, "We stress legality and we're against people breaking the law" — though a registered sex offender, John Snyder, leads the Indiana chapter of the NSM, which puts a special emphasis on recruiting teenagers.

So, lemme see... unemployed, petty criminal, father of multiple children by various wives? Ideal model for a leading, law abiding citizen. (and I do have a criminal record myself!)

And if you can stomach this at all, watch him in action at

I'm sick of reaading through garbage about this piece of human garbage. So, to Anonymous who is too afraid to acknowledge their real identity who stated: you are a fool, You don't know anything about Jeff Schoep. I have one simple reply: I know plenty enough to know that he is scum. They were kinder to Sadam than the should be to this creep.

I may well be foolish is some areas, but I know a creep when I see one. Jeff Schoep, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rusmfeld, and John McCain are all cut from the same cloth. The slimy, green, stinky kind that few will even come near. That is if they have more than two wet brain cells to rub together.