OK, OK, already! I get it! I may be a bit slow, but I get it! My problem is that I used to work for them and I thought that our mission was to help any and all who need help regardless of disability, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious or political affiliations. But then, that was before the Bush era (error).
The simple fact is that I have AIDS and the people of this community simply do not want me to be here. So, they are not going to offer me any assistance of any kind, even if it is the same type of assistance that would be afforded any other similarly situated individual... so long as they don't have AIDS!
Missouri, especially rural Missouri, is the most bigoted and backward thinking people of any that I have encountered in my travels, And I have traveled half way around the world and back. But Missouri and (to be fair) Arkansas are the most fascist individuals I have ever had the displeasure to encounter anywhere. (And I can't say that I am too fond of North Carolina!)
And from what I have seen of the governor of Alaska, I have to wonder what kind of fascists that they are breeding and teaching up there.
But I was born in and live in Missouri. And I am ashamed to be from here. And I am sick to my soul of having to deal with the fucking morons.
I hope that if someone targets the US for a nuclear strike that they point at Missouri first, if for no other reason than to put me out of my pain.
What dumb fucks.