This post is for all of you Nazi lovers. I typed the pricks name into google and didn't get one single positive statement from anyone about him. I don't know him. Actually, I only stumbled upon his name while criticizing the current US fascist regime.
So, according to all of you, he is a REALLY nice guy... who just happens to make it a habit of emulating one of the most hated men in world history.
I hate Swastikas for what they represent. I hate the confederate flag for what it represents. I pity you lovers of haters for the ignorance that you represent.
Get off my ass. I could care less what you think... unless and until it becomes the majority of people who feel as you obviously do. At which point, it will be much too late for the salvation of mankind.
You don't like what I say, start your own blog. This one is mine and I will damned well say whatever I think. I only allow your posts to my comments section to show the rest of the world how misguided you are. That and I kinda like that "free speech" thingy.
But, for Christ's sake, get your own forum to promote your hate! Quit leaching off of me!