Sunday, March 29, 2009

Child Molester Free Because His Dad is a Cop

If you would like to see a Missouri Official State Document about a child molester that they let go because his "daddy" is a cop, Click on the Pic. Incidentally, the child that he molested and got away with was his daughter.

From Surviving Christianity

This shit happens all of the time. Cops can do what they want to do, and the privilege extends to their families.

Trust your local law enforcement at your own peril!

Oh, I almost forgot: his name is Barry Reece and he lives in Leachville, AR (Fitting name for the home of such a cretin). Of Course, you can get this info off the the document itself with the magnifying glass at the top right of your screen (after you link to the pic).

Friday, March 27, 2009

Your Health Care

How often have you heard that the fastest growing profession is in the medical field.

Now, how many times have you heard the unemployment is going up and that people are losing jobs at alarming rates.

Now, put on your thinking cap for this one!

The person who is taking your vitals at the Doctors' Office, or even worse, the folks they have back there cleaning the equipment that is about to enter your body cavities could easily be the same guy/gal that was flipping your burger or serving you fries last week.

Just think about it. Rashes of outbreaks of hospital born diseases do not simply happen by accident. But then, maybe you voted for Bush.... twice, and you'll buy any lie they serve you.

Bill O'reilly

dare we hope that we may have seen his demise?

Infections and medical errors persist in U.S. Health care system

Infections and medical errors persist in U.S. Health care system

If you have been reading my blog at all, you may detect that I am on a mission. I was infected in a procedure after being denied treatment based on an existing condition that I have. That, my friends is discrimination. The rest is medical negligence and malpractice.

The offenders thus far are:
Pemiscot Memorial Hospital 907 East Reed, Hayti, MO 63851 (573)359-1372
Abdullah Arshad Memorial 907 East Reed, Hayti, MO 63851 (573)359-3660
(Uninteligable) Oladirin 907 East Reed, Hayti, MO 63851 (573)359-3660

These are just the ones who I can identify easily. Just remember, this was a case of discrimination prior to infecting me with a life threatening disease. My c. dff is of the treatment resistant strain. (And before you start with the hypothetical, IT DOES INDEED EXISTS! Otherwise we would not be trying yet another treatment option after TWO MONTHS of an illness you would not wish on your enemy.)
Thanks Diane!

By (Consumer Reports) on Health

Infections and medical errors persist in U.S. Health care system

Have you or a family member acquired an infection from a hospital, or experienced a medical error while undergoing care? If so, you’re in good company—or bad company as the case may be—according to a new survey from Consumer Reports National Research Center.

Hospital hallway That nationally representative poll of 2,005 Americans found that nearly one in five, or 18 percent, say that they or a family member have contracted a dangerous infection following a medical procedure or hospital stay. What’s more, 60 percent of them say the infection was severe or life threatening. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that nearly 100,000 people die each year to such infections.

And many Americans report that errors in routine medical procedures, such as lab work, CAT scans, and blood testing are common as well. More than a third of Americans believe that errors during a diagnostic procedure are very common or somewhat common. Further, thirteen percent report that their medical records have been lost or misplaced; twelve percent say that a diagnostic test was not done properly; and nine percent have had the wrong medicine filled at a pharmacy.

“Healthcare-acquired infections and medical errors can devastate American families who are already struggling with the cost of health care,” said Consumers Union President Jim Guest. “These preventable errors and infections can cost families hundreds—if not thousands—of extra dollars each year, and add tens of billions of dollars to our national health care costs. It is imperative that Congress pass health care reform legislation that includes simple safety provisions to help save lives and fix our broken health care system.”

Kevin McCarthy, associate editor

Read the full poll (links to PDF) and learn more about Consumers Union’s efforts to prevent hospital infections and medical errors at And we'd like to hear from you: Have you or a loved one been harmed by a hospital error or infection?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I went to the ER at the Arkansana Methodist Hospital last night

The attending was an ass. He stood at watched as I fell off of the exam table and hit the floor and then asked, " if you needed help getting down, why didn't you just ask?"

He suggested that the reason that I have c. diff and cannot find treatment for it is because I am an ass hole..... no really, he said that I am the problem!

Don't ya just love America!

Oh, as usual, I have witness to all of this!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm just a disgruntled kook making it all up- Vets get HIV

Veterans face HIV risk from hospital pumps - ‎17 hours ago‎
BY ROBERT SAMUELS Thousands of veterans who underwent certain routine medical procedures at Miami's VA Medical Center are at risk of being infected with ...

VA hospital flooded with calls about hepatitis, HIV - ‎15 minutes ago‎
BY FRED TASKER Worried military men and women flooded Miami Veterans' Hospital telephone hot lines Tuesday after Monday's announcement that improperly ...

VA hospital in Fla. Warns patients of infectious-disease risk

SmartBrief - ‎4 hours ago‎
Officials at the Veterans Affairs hospital in Miami are urging around 3260 patients who underwent colonoscopy with improperly sterilized tools to be ...

So, even if you arent't a vet, think twice before they stick shit into you! I got c. diff. And who cares? Precisely no one. And it ain't fun being sick!

Thanks Diane.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Apparently, I am jealous of someone I know nothing about

This post is for all of you Nazi lovers. I typed the pricks name into google and didn't get one single positive statement from anyone about him. I don't know him. Actually, I only stumbled upon his name while criticizing the current US fascist regime.

So, according to all of you, he is a REALLY nice guy... who just happens to make it a habit of emulating one of the most hated men in world history.

I hate Swastikas for what they represent. I hate the confederate flag for what it represents. I pity you lovers of haters for the ignorance that you represent.

Get off my ass. I could care less what you think... unless and until it becomes the majority of people who feel as you obviously do. At which point, it will be much too late for the salvation of mankind.

You don't like what I say, start your own blog. This one is mine and I will damned well say whatever I think. I only allow your posts to my comments section to show the rest of the world how misguided you are. That and I kinda like that "free speech" thingy.

But, for Christ's sake, get your own forum to promote your hate! Quit leaching off of me!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Medicaid-almost the insurance for all most people.

Several years ago I met a doctor by the name of Abdullah Arshad. He seemed like really nice guy. And even more importantly he seemed more really nice doctor. This past winter during one of my routine office visits he announced to me, without the benefit of any form of lab work or tests that I had lymphoma.. You see I had chronic diarrhea for long as any of us could remember and I did have swollen lymph glands.. So, he decided that these were plenty enough indicators to make a diagnosis of Lymphoma,. However he decided that he wanted to have an in invasive procedures done on me know as a proctoscopy And he had to have one of his esteemed colleagues to do the procedure, a Doctor Oladeran. I had trust both of these gentleman.

On the day of the proctoscopy they all told me to be there bright and early in the morning so they could get me in early and the procedure done before anyone else. In a hospital with a bed capacity of around 90, by the time noon rolled around I began to ask what the hold up was. They had no answer. So, I insisted that if the did not have me on the table within the next 30 minutes that they could pull my IV and I would be on my way. They got me in.

Unfortunately, they claimed to have found a cancerous tumor and had to go back in. With all of the same “be here early” shit, they let me lay until 1:30PM. So, I calmly asked what the hold up was. The answer was that “due to your disease progression” and I interjected “Oh, you mean AIDS”. “ Well, because of the disease progression, they do not want to use the equipment on anyone after they use it on you.” I said, “Disconnect my IV. I am ready to go”. She said let me see what I can do. They immediately came and got me.

The cancerous tumor turned out to be a Medicaid fraud. There was no ‘tumor”.

My next meeting with Arshad, after he made me wait until all other patients had been seen at 7PM, he saw me for my 1:45pm. I insisted on a referral to a new clinic. Unfortunately, for me, that meant 200 miles away at St. Louis.

There is much more to this story. But I think this is bad enough. And it is all a Pemiscot Memorial Hospital in Hayti, MO.

And the result of both procedures is that I walked away with c. diff. The question now is how many walked away with HIV.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Message to all government agencies... and those who want to be

Arrangements have been made to continue my factual assaults against your egregious wrong doings regardless of your pending intimidation tactics against me. I will continue to report even if you find some trumped up charge with which to incarcerate a cardiac, diabetic, person living with AIDS, neuropathy, myalgia, and a host of other illnesses. But then, you may enjoy explaining why you are spending $40,000 on incarceration and at least that much on medical. Plus I get 3 hot meals and all.

Read "Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau to get a hint of my inference above.

You may imprison the body, but you will only imprison the mind if I say you may.

You may not.

So, go chase Osama (oh, I forgot, he's your man!) Here's an idea! Use some of that illegal wire tap bull shit on George W. Bush, Dick (and I do mean dick) Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld. Oh, and go after that tool, Gonzolez, too! Spent our tax dollars on something worth while... like real crime. And if you can find time, fix health care... which will probably mean scrapping it. Oh, keep the buildings, just replace the staff.

I mean, think about it.... health care is the largest groing industry.... because all of the others are closing. So, we get burger flippers taking our temperature... and medical history. Now, that sends shivers up my spine!

Pemiscot Memorial Hospital

I have tons to say about this butcher factory but I will suffice it to say DON'T GO THERE FOR ANY REASON! They are filthy and apparently their autoclave doesn't work. They did not want to treat me until they treated everyone else because I have HIV. When the DID treat me, the gave me c. diff . And when I suggested that I may have it, they denied it out of hand and did no tests whatsoever.

I am sick and weak as I write this, so this will remain short. Just don't go to that hospital for any reason, unless, of course, your goal is to die. It which case, they are your go to place!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A tribute to Jeff Schoep, since I know nothing about him

An anonymous com menter called me a "fool" for apparently knowing nothing about Jeff Schoep. So, I will attempt to provide some information about this... individual. Let me preface this biographical information with a bit of personal information. Lots and lots of people believe that I am an insufferable, overbearing, self-rightious, sef-absorbed, "know it all" prick, And I can't deny that some of those adjectives may well be deserved. But no one can call me a fascist. Well, they could, but they would be lying and in dire need of facts to back up their assertions.

I will provide the most readily available information on Mr. Schoep. But something suggests to me that I may be hard pressed to find favorable descriptions of him, save any searches on white supremacist web sites. Frankly, I don't care to wade through their drivel. But I may try. Just know that I consider their opinions presented on their sites are hardly anything that I would even broadly consider "fact".

Based in Minnesota, the National Socialist Movement — which claims to be the nation's largest neo-Nazi organization, though it has only about 200 members — says members should be gainfully employed and positively contributing to society.

But as reporter Jon Tevlin discovered, the 30-year-old Schoep hardly fits that description himself, with a string of petty crimes on his record, including a felony arrest in 1998 for aiding and abetting a burglary.

According to court records, Schoep — who was unemployed at the time, and apparently still is — was arrested for accompanying the mother of his daughter when she stole $4,000 worth of computer equipment. Four children were in the back seat of the car during the burglary.

Schoep, who had become NSM commander four years before the incident, pleaded guilty and got off with probation — but not before District Judge Sharon Hall took him to task for gross hypocrisy.

The NSM, she pointed out, "does not condone fathering children around the countryside and taking no financial responsibility. And it does not condone the commission of crimes. I also know that your organization believes that there are various minority groups in this country that do that on a regular basis."

Schoep told the Star Tribune his crimes were "in the past," and claimed to be "taking care of my children." In the NSM, he insisted, "We stress legality and we're against people breaking the law" — though a registered sex offender, John Snyder, leads the Indiana chapter of the NSM, which puts a special emphasis on recruiting teenagers.

So, lemme see... unemployed, petty criminal, father of multiple children by various wives? Ideal model for a leading, law abiding citizen. (and I do have a criminal record myself!)

And if you can stomach this at all, watch him in action at

I'm sick of reaading through garbage about this piece of human garbage. So, to Anonymous who is too afraid to acknowledge their real identity who stated: you are a fool, You don't know anything about Jeff Schoep. I have one simple reply: I know plenty enough to know that he is scum. They were kinder to Sadam than the should be to this creep.

I may well be foolish is some areas, but I know a creep when I see one. Jeff Schoep, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rusmfeld, and John McCain are all cut from the same cloth. The slimy, green, stinky kind that few will even come near. That is if they have more than two wet brain cells to rub together.

Sorry for the sorry

Ya know, it is absolutely amazing what happens when you call every law maker in your state and tell them that your intent is to cease all intake of fluids and solids until they correct their ... harrumph, indiscretions in withholding medically and socially justified services.

I spent the better part of the day making such calls. Starting around 2pm calls started coming in authorizing services and authorizing medically justified treatments. Most of my grievances had been resolved by end of working hours (and a little past). Still a couple more to go, though. I am willing to bet that they will be resolved in the morning.

Honestly, though, it is a sad statement when the only thing that can resolve these issues is the threat (no, promise) that you will commit the only act of self termination that cannot be considered and treated as a psychiatric disorder: hunger and water strike.

So, as it turns out I will be able to continue my saga of a futile attempt at obtaining medical treatment and social services in a broken down social system.

A worker at my state representatives office suggested that Medicaid was better than no insurance at all. I laughed. I reminded her that I am a veteran. The implication is that I know what sorry "health insurance" is. Medicaid is actually worse than the VA. I use Medicaid so I don't have to travel across states for services. I still have to travel 200 miles for Medicaid assistance,

And we are suppose to be one of the most advanced societies in the world. I think Europeans may have a bit to say about that... but that is only an educated guess.

The FACT that I have been telling "the professionals" exactly what my chief complaint was and what caused it and that they gave my input the value of a grain of salt speaks volumes.

So, anyway, I will be here for a while longer to inform you of the exact nature of the flaws in our health care system. And I assure you that they are not going to like it. They have already been monitoring me (my statcounter logs tell me this, duh). The first time ever that a brand new machine locked up was after they viewed my blog. So, I will no longer be online as a habit but only to do my research and to post my... bitchfests.

Tune in frequently. Comment at will, even if you hate me, Hate is misguided concern,

I may just live a few more days. But then, the brown shirts may come and get me tomorrow. I will attempt to make arrangements to notify folks when that happens. I'll ask an overseas friend to make the entry. But I'll live a few more days, I'm sure... much to the chagrin of some.

Sorry for the end of the story....

I have informed my Governor's Constituent Services office that unless they address my discrimination grievances within three days that it will be to late... for me, anyway.

I have begun a hunger strike that includes the exclusion of any intake of water. That makes, by all accounts, a three day window in which they have the ability to correct their neglect and abuse.

Of course, this only matters if they indeed give a fuck.

White Supremacist or Government Sympathizer?

I apparently really pissed someone off by comparing our government to a White Supremacist Nazi.

Tough titty. If the shoe fits, wear it.

White Supremacist's suck and so does our government. I could give a long list of government agencies who practice fascist policies as it has become in vogue since 911 and before. But I shall not enumerate them here.

I will only mention a few: Dunklin County, MO Sheriff's Office (and any municipal police department in Dunklin County), Dunklin County Family Services, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Pemiscot Memorial Hospital, Bootheel Area Independent Living Services, and... ah hell, the list goes on. But that is a few.

I'll be addressing each of these in future posts. And for you commies trying to hack my machine: I'm disconnecting it from the net whenever I do not need direct access. So, you'll have to kick my door in (again) to gain access to my equipment.

One last word: Fuck you.

Snitch your brother, snitch you priest.... until the snitch on YOU!

Missouri doesn't have enough snitches, so they are asking for your assistance. Just don't forget, they are the fascist enemy.

And if you think that the government won't come after me for testimonials of wrong doing

Here is an example of what these fascists will do....

Blogger claims police search of home was a threat

By Michael Ferraresi - Mar. 19, 2009 12:00 AM
The Arizona Republic

Police officers accused of drunken driving. A female officer's alleged promiscuity and infidelity. A commander whose critics labeled his son a child molester.

Jeff Pataky said he uses negative complaints and anonymous tips to fuel his blogging crusade against Phoenix police. A headline on his Web site suggests rewards would be provided for "dirt" on police indiscretions.

Pataky, a former software sales and marketing executive who now focuses his energy shoveling content on , said he believes his online criticism of the department - along with past criticisms of police investigations - led officers to serve a search warrant at his home last week.

Police officials said Wednesday that a Phoenix detective prompted the investigation after complaining about harassment, though they declined further comment.

Pataky said he felt the investigation was a response to a lawsuit he filed on Monday in U.S. District Court saying he was maliciously prosecuted by police in 2007 after his ex-wife accused him of harassment, a case later dropped. In his lawsuit he's asking for an unspecified amount for damages. City officials declined to comment on pending litigation.

Pataky's blog is known in law-enforcement circles for its off-color language that, according to the blogger, is aimed at Phoenix Police Chief Jack Harris, Maricopa County Andrew Thomas and other public officials.

"Too bad. They need to get over it," Pataky said. "They are held to a higher accountability."

Pataky said he edits the blog and works with four or five people who receive tips from a variety of sources, including sworn and retired officers.

Investigators confiscated computer material and other items from Pataky's north Phoenix home, which he considered a threat to quit writing.

"We have heard internally from our police sources that they purposefully did this to stop me," Pataky said. "They took my cable modem and wireless router. Anyone worth their salt knows nothing is stored in the cable modem."

Phoenix Assistant Chief Andy Anderson said the harassment case is unique because of the connection to an unaccredited grassroots Web site. He said the blog is one part of the case, though he did not provide specifics of the ongoing investigation.

"This isn't about the blog," Anderson said. "That's just where the investigation led."

Police also served a separate search warrant at the home of former homicide Detective David Barnes, one of the investigators on the "Baseline Rapist" case.

Barnes was demoted from the homicide unit to patrol after he went public one year ago with claims of mismanaged evidence at the city's crime lab.

Mark Spencer, president of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association, said he was concerned about questionable probable cause to enter Barnes' house. The union, which claims no affiliation with Pataky's blog, will represent Barnes through the internal investigation.

While I can still report this....

The Missouri Division of Health and Senior Services has visited this site and read a previous post in which I cast them in questionable light. They have been calling me all day explaining why they have no intention of helping me. And now they are trying to hack my computer.

Really nice bunch of folks.

"We want YOU to be our cop, too!"
Law enforcement and government are the biggest purveyors of hate and fear that the world has to offer!

The Year in Hate
Number of Hate Groups Tops 900
By David Holthouse
Illustration by Sean McCabe

year in hate

From white power skinheads decrying "President Obongo" at a racist gathering in rural Missouri, to neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klansmen hurling epithets at Latino immigrants from courthouse steps in Oklahoma, to anti-Semitic black separatists calling for death to Jews on bustling street corners in several East Coast cities, hate group activity in the U.S. was disturbing and widespread throughout 2008, as the number of hate groups operating in America continued to rise. Last year, 926 hate groups were active in the U.S., up more than 4% from 888 in 2007. That's more than a 50% increase since 2000, when there were 602 groups.

As in recent years, hate groups were animated by the national immigration debate. But two new forces also drove them in 2008: the worsening recession, and Barack Obama's successful campaign to become the nation's first black president. Officials reported that Obama had received more threats than any other presidential candidate in memory, and several white supremacists were arrested for saying they would assassinate him or allegedly plotting to do so.

At the same time, law enforcement officials reported a marked swelling of the extreme-right "sovereign citizens" movement that wreaked havoc in the 1990s with its "paper terrorism" tactics. Adherents are infamous for filing bogus property liens and orchestrating elaborate financial ripoffs.

Somewhat surprisingly, it wasn't just the usual suspects from the white supremacist underworld who sought to exploit the country's economic turmoil and political strife. A key 2008 hate group trend was the increasing militancy of the extremist fringe of the Hebrew Israelite movement, whose adherents believe that Jews are creatures of the devil and that whites deserve death or slavery.

These radical black supremacists have no love for Barack Obama, calling him a "house nigger" and a puppet of Israel. They preach to inner-city blacks that evil Jews are solely responsible for the recession. The rhetoric of white-skinned hate group leaders in 2008 was equally alarming. Last September, for example the cover of National Socialist magazine depicted then-presidential nominee Barack Obama in the crosshairs of a scope, with the headline "Kill This Nigger?"

What follows is a detailed look at the three most active and dangerous white supremacist hate group sectors in 2008: Ku Klux Klan groups, neo-Nazis, and racist skinheads.

Ku Klux Klan groups
Reversing a generally declining trend since 2000, Klan groups in the U.S. increased significantly in 2008, from 155 chapters to 186. Seventeen new chapters belong to the Brotherhood of Klans Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (BOK), which during the past five years has grown into the largest Klan organization in the country. In 2008, the Marion, Ohio-headquartered BOK launched a handful of chapters in Canada, linking up with the Aryan Guard, a fast-growing white nationalist group based in Alberta.

A smaller but likewise rapidly expanding Klan group, the United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which in 2007 absorbed the National Aryan Knights, more than doubled its number of chapters and tripled its geographic reach last year, going from 11 chapters in eight states to 24 chapters in 24 states.

The continued rise of the United Northern and Southern Knights and the BOK paralleled the decline of the Imperial Klans of America (IKA). Since 2005, the IKA has shriveled from 39 chapters in 26 states to just six chapters in five states. Last year, it suffered a crippling blow when a Meade County, Ky., jury delivered a $2.5 million judgment against members of the IKA, including $1 million against IKA leader Ron Edwards, in a lawsuit brought by the Southern Poverty Law Center on behalf of a mixed-race teenager who was assaulted by IKA thugs in Kentucky.

Beyond the IKA trial, the biggest Klan story for the mainstream media in 2008 was the murder of a 43-year-old Tulsa, Okla., woman during a backwoods Klan initiation ritual near Bogalusa, La. According to law enforcement investigators, the victim was recruited over the Internet to join the Sons of Dixie, a tiny KKK faction led by Raymond "Chuck" Foster. Foster allegedly shot the woman in the head after she changed her mind about joining the Klan.

Blipping on the media's radar last December was the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, whose imperial wizard, Ray Larsen, called for all Klansmen "worldwide" to wear black armbands and fly the American flag upside down on Jan. 20, the day of Barack Obama's inauguration.

Neo-Nazi groups
A slight drop in the number of neo-Nazi chapters last year from 207 to 194 was attributable largely to the dissolution of National Vanguard after its leader, Kevin Alfred Strom, was convicted in January 2008 on child pornography charges. (Strom was released last fall after serving prison time.)

Another major neo-Nazi leader, American National Socialist Workers Party "Commander" Bill White, also suffered legal troubles in 2008, culminating in his December indictment on several federal felony counts for posting death threats on his website or by making them by phone. Along with the threats, White often posted the home addresses of perceived enemies, ranging from Canadian human rights attorney Richard Warman (in an item subtly titled "Kill Richard Warman") to Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts to officials of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

When the seven-count federal indictment came down, White was already jailed in Chicago on separate charges. He was arrested last October and extradited from Roanoke, Va., where he owns apartments in black neighborhoods, to face a federal obstruction of justice charge for allegedly threatening the foreman of a Chicago jury that convicted neo-Nazi leader Matt Hale in 2004 of soliciting the murder of a federal judge. Still, despite White's legal and personal financial turmoil (he declared bankruptcy last June), the ANSWP grew last year from 30 chapters in 26 states to 35 chapters in 28 states, making it the second-largest neo-Nazi organization in the country, after the National Socialist Movement (NSM).

Apart from its usual literature dispersals, book burnings, swastika lightings, and its annual "Hated and Proud" hate rock festival, the NSM in 2008 targeted Latino immigrants with sizable "illegal invasion" protests in Washington, D.C., and Omaha, Neb. Subjected for years to movement ridicule for their brown-shirt uniforms, NSM national and state chapter leaders also voted at the group's National Congress last April to switch to "more militant looking" black BDUs (Battle Dress Uniforms). Even with the makeover, the NSM lost 30 chapters last year (it later added 26, for a net loss of six chapters) after leader Jeff Schoep abandoned his family and relocated NSM headquarters from Minneapolis to Detroit in January 2008, reportedly to move in with a new girlfriend of dubious Aryan purity.

Nevertheless, the NSM benefited from diminished competition as the formerly dominant National Alliance continued its long decline, shrinking to 11 chapters in nine states. Similarly, Aryan Nations, another one-time powerhouse, withered to 11 chapters in 10 states. White Revolution gained no ground, ending the year as it began with a dozen chapters.

Two upstart neo-Nazi groups emerged in 2008. The League of American Patriots, which held its inaugural meeting last March 29, appears to be comprised of former National Vanguard members. The second newcomer, Knights of the Nordic Order, was founded by "two former captains of the Aryan Brotherhood," a notorious white supremacist prison gang, according to its website.

Racist Skinhead groups
The total number of racist skinhead crews, driven by the addition of a couple of new organizations, rose from 90 in 2007 to 98 last year.

Relatively inactive in 2007, Hammerskin Nation, long a force to be reckoned with in the racist skinhead subculture, came back in a big way in 2008. The diminished tally of Hammerskins chapters (which dropped from 15 to 12) is misleading, as it represents the merging of smaller chapters and Hammerskin leaders weeding out weaker outfits, rather than a real drop in the organization's strength and membership. On the contrary, the Hammerskins last year stepped up recruiting while forging new bonds with other skinhead groups and hosting dozens of hate rock concerts, white power cookouts, Mixed Martial Arts prizefight viewing parties and other widely promoted events.

The Confederate Hammerskins (CHS), the organization's southeastern regional division, kept particularly busy, beginning last March with a St. Patty's Day concert in Central Florida that was heavily attended by skins from across the country. Represented crews included Volksfront, Blood & Honour American Division, Atlantic City Skins, Troops of Tomorrow, and The Hated. Members of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club, a notorious biker gang, also attended.

A close Hammerskins ally, the Portland, Ore.-based Volksfront, held its first annual "Althing" gathering last Aug. 29-Sept. 1 on private land purchased by Volksfront in rural Missouri, about an hour's drive north of St. Louis. Part three-day hate rock blowout, part skinhead summit, the Althing was held in the "Samuel Weaver Memorial Hall," named after white supremacist Randy Weaver's son, who was killed by federal agents during the infamous Ruby Ridge standoff in 1992 (Weaver's wife and a U.S. marshal were also killed). Among the white supremacist leaders who attended was veteran skinhead organizer David Lynch, leader of the resurgent Sacramento, Calif.-based crew American Front.

Last December, more than 100 skinheads from at least five states gathered in Florida for a "Martyr's Day" party, co-sponsored by CHS, Volksfront and American Front, that featured a keynote address phoned in from prison by Richard Kemp, a member of the white supremacist terrorist group The Order. Martyr's Day commemorates the 1984 death of Order founder Bob Mathews, who died in a shootout with the FBI.

Another noteworthy development in the skinhead sector was the severe weakening of the Vinlanders Social Club (VSC), a skinhead coalition that began in 2003 and grew to become Hammerskin Nation's primary rival. Plagued by infighting, criminal prosecutions and desertions, the Vinlanders made no public appearances in 2008, limiting their activities to private beer bashes. Three inner-circle Vinlanders, including co-founder Eric "The Butcher" Fairburn, were convicted last year of a March 2007 racially motivated attack on a homeless black man in downtown Indianapolis. At his sentencing hearing last August, Fairburn publicly renounced the skinhead movement.

Formerly aligned with the VSC, the Keystone State Skinheads (KSS) distanced their group from the Vinlanders, changed their name to Keystone United and recast themselves as media-friendly "pro-white" activists. Keystone mouthpiece Keith Carney denounced hooliganism in several newspaper and television interviews. Last October, the group held a "Leif Ericson Day Celebration," honoring the Viking explorer, in a Philadelphia public park on the banks of the Schuylkill River. In contrast to the screaming hate rock performed by Absolute Terror and Total War at the annual Keystone-sponsored "Uprise" concert in January 2008, which was held in a secret location, Celtic folk musicians provided entertainment at the two-faced crew's "family-friendly" event.

In contrast to KSS, the United Society of Aryan Skinheads (USAS) made no effort to revamp its image in 2008. Formed in recent years inside California's state prison system, the USAS continues to espouse white-power skinhead ideology and grow into a strong presence throughout Southern California as members are paroled. The USAS went from a single chapter in 2007 to nine chapters in 2008, including three separate crews in San Diego, the group's base of operations in the outside world. Though populated almost entirely by ex-cons, the USAS, unlike most prison-based white supremacists, actually maintains a powerful racist identity and rarely compromises principles in favor of criminal profits.

One major new racist skinhead group surfaced in 2008: the Supreme White Alliance, or SWA. Co-founded by Kentucky skinhead Steven Edwards, son of Imperial Klans of America leader Ron Edwards, the SWA by year's end boasted eight chapters in as many states, an active website and a substantial online presence on MySpace as well as on the white nationalist social networking site New Saxon. The group's vice president is former IKA member Jarred Hensley, who served more than a year for his role in the hate crime assault that led to the SPLC lawsuit. "Out of prison and back on the streets," Hensley posted on MySpace last July upon his release. "It's gr88 to be a Skinhead!" Last October, former SWA probate Daniel Cowart was arrested in Tennesee with another skinhead he met online for allegedly plotting to assassinate Barack Obama after killing 88 black students (88 is neo-Nazi code for the phrase "Heil Hitler"). The SWA claimed that Cowart had been kicked out prior to hatching the plan.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Missouri Division of Health and Senior Services

OK, OK, already! I get it! I may be a bit slow, but I get it! My problem is that I used to work for them and I thought that our mission was to help any and all who need help regardless of disability, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious or political affiliations. But then, that was before the Bush era (error).

The simple fact is that I have AIDS and the people of this community simply do not want me to be here. So, they are not going to offer me any assistance of any kind, even if it is the same type of assistance that would be afforded any other similarly situated individual... so long as they don't have AIDS!

Missouri, especially rural Missouri, is the most bigoted and backward thinking people of any that I have encountered in my travels, And I have traveled half way around the world and back. But Missouri and (to be fair) Arkansas are the most fascist individuals I have ever had the displeasure to encounter anywhere. (And I can't say that I am too fond of North Carolina!)
And from what I have seen of the governor of Alaska, I have to wonder what kind of fascists that they are breeding and teaching up there.

But I was born in and live in Missouri. And I am ashamed to be from here. And I am sick to my soul of having to deal with the fucking morons.

I hope that if someone targets the US for a nuclear strike that they point at Missouri first, if for no other reason than to put me out of my pain.

What dumb fucks.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Acronym AIG

All Ill gotten Gain... wait, that would be AIGG. Fuck it. It still works for me!

Terminal Health care-Part 2: The Veterans Administration

I intend to make this a brief summary of a very long nightmare.

After years of the St. Louis Veterans Administration ignoring my health concerns and connfidential information breaches I began to have chest pains emanating down both arms. They simply ignored my concerns and sent me to their mind police: psychology department.

After a year of this I finally contacted Representative Jo Ann Emerson, my representative. She has a record of defending veterans rights. At her urging, the Poplar Bluff, MO VA decided to submit me to a stress test in which they discovered that I was in imminent danger of cardiac arrest. I was not just real excited about the prospect of letting the same people who let me get to this condition cut me open. So, I requested and got a transfer to the Memphis VA.

They bypassed all protocols of admitting new patients and rushed me straight to their cardiac department and scheduled me for triple bypass surgery. This occurred in five days and I was operated on and discharged within three days. A hospital record for both.

When they called me back to see a primary care physician, as we were going over my out of control cholesterol and triglycerides, my sky high blood sugar levels, and the plethora of other ailments with which I was suffering, without adjusting a single med she looked at me and said, "You are too young to have all of this wrong with you. I want you to see a psychiatrist." I nearly fell out of my chair.

Lab reports do not lie. I know that medical professionals are trained to believe that the patient ALWAYS lies. But blood work doesn't lie.

After a couple of psych visits in which I was not granted an audience with a psych, therapist, nor any other professional and in which all I was exposed to was classes on Buddhist practice and thought which was disguised in Christian trappings, I decided that these classes were only to have seats filled for funding purposes. I was there for help. Not to help them earn funding.

So, I quit them. I decided that I might have just as much luck with Medicaid (the bottom of the line medical insurance offered by the government). I set out to find a Medicaid doctor. That turned out to be a search that would best be served by a posting of its very own.

The primary message in this post is that the Veterans Administration could care less about any of its patients. It is touted as the closest thing to socialized medicine that we have here in the United States. I would put good money on THAT being the reason that so many people are deathly afraid of socialized medicine here. But the VA is anything BUT socialized medicine. It is institutionalized medicine whose only concern is the bottom dollar that it can spend to treat the most patients.

Stay tuned for part 2- Medicaid-almost medicine for almost people

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Speculation on WHY Shooting sprees occur begin

Apparently, someone besides myself is beginning to try to connect the dots and come to some pretty telling conclusions as to why seemingly normal people are simply snapping and going on shooting sprees killing "innocent" community members and family members the same. And it seems that I called it a long time ago: Society (that's you) pretty much sucks.

As with so many of these rage massacres from the past 20 years, the more you look at Tuesdays' killing spree, the more you see that the system we've been living under since Reaganomics conquered everything has created all kinds of monsters and maniacs, from the plutocrats who've plundered this country for three decades straight, down to the lone broken worker -- McLendon -- who took up arms in a desperate suicide mission against the beast that crushed him.

So far we've learned that McLendon's hit list names the three companies he had worked for since 2003 -- Reliance Metals, which makes construction materials; Pilgrim's Pride, the nation's number one poultry producer, where his mother also worked, until she was suspended from her job last week; and Kelley Foods, a smaller family-owned meat-processing company from which McLendon apparently quit just last week.

Even more striking to someone who has studied these workplace massacres, it appears that McLendon was bullied and abused at work. One clue as to why he'd end his spree at Reliance, where he hadn't worked since 2003, could be that he was trying to kill the source of the pain: workers at Reliance used to taunt him incessantly, giving him the nickname "Doughboy." Which basically means "fatso" and "faggot" combined: McLendon was 5 feet, 8 inches tall, but he weighed roughly 210 pounds.

Maybe it's just a coincidence, but "Doughboy" is the exact same nickname that workers at Standard Gravure, a printing plant in Louisville, Ky., gave to a guy named Joe Wesbecker back in the 1980s.

Like McLendon's case against Pilgrim's Pride, Wesbecker also was locked in an ongoing labor dispute with his company, whose top shareholders had gone on an eight-year plundering spree, leaving little for the workers; the government backed Wesbecker's case against Standard Gravure, and he "won" his dispute, but it was irrelevant.

By 1989, the culture had changed, all power went to the CEOs and major shareholders. Standard Gravure's senior executives ignored the arbitration rulings and continued to treat Wesbecker however they felt, slashing his pay under a different pretense, which would require a whole new round of arbitrations.

Joe "Doughboy" Wesbecker finally cracked: on Sept. 14, 1989, he unleashed America's first private workplace massacre, pitting aggrieved

worker against vampiric company, borrowing from the numerous post office shootings that had erupted a few years earlier. The result: seven killed, 20 wounded, and the death of the company that drove him to the brink. And an unending string of workplace massacres by "disgruntled employees" ever since.

Next time any asshole calls a kid or a co-worker "Doughboy," put the bully and the bullied on the top of your next Ghoul Pool list. Bullying in the workplace, like bullying in the schoolyard, is only now being recognized as a serious problem, with devastating psychological consequences -- and the occasional rampage massacre.

Conventional wisdom used to say that victims of bullying should "deal with it" since it was "just the way things are"; nowadays, after all the workplace and school shootings, anti-bullying laws and codes are becoming increasingly common.

So, when you start wondering why people are going nuts and killing you and your neighbors for "no apparent reason" and you are seeking the reason, just look in the nearest mirror, dumb fuck. It happens because we collectively treat everyone we come into contact with like shit.


Think about the Golden Rule... better yet, FUCKING PRACTICE THE GOLDEN RULE! And get down off of you fucking high horse. Pay attention to the wants, needs, and concerns of the other people in the world with you. They are all very much just as valid as your own.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ancient Hindi's knew our Bush World

As the earth fares under a rainless sky,
So do a people languish under an unkind king.

Possessions are less pleasant than poverty
To the oppressed living under an unjust king.

If the king acts contrary to justice, contrary seasons will befall
And rain-laden clouds will not come forth.

If the people's protector fails to protect,
Priests will forget the Vedas and cows' milk will dry up.

-Tirukkural 56: 557-560

Little doubt that these guys were talking about us! Not only did we outsource our tech jobs to them, we outsourced our future, too! And long ago.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Hunter safety instructor removed after ordering 'liberals' from class

Here is one for the record books!

by: RANDY KREHBIEL World staff writer
[Tulsa, Oklahoma]

Friday, March 6, 2009

Thirteen-year- old Lane Dunkley just wanted to go hunting with his grandfather.

What he got was a lecture on politics.

Dunkley and his father Daniel Reddy, who live in Tulsa, went to Broken Arrow Tuesday night for a hunter safety course normally required to get an Oklahoma hunting license.

The class was a reward of sorts. Dunkley, who wants to go hunting with his aging grandfather, was told he could only if he brought his grades up.

So he did-- to a B-plus average.

But when father and son arrived at the lesson, the volunteer instructor, Kell Wolf, asked if any of the students voted for President Obama.

Reddy, a transplanted Californian - and ex-Marine - raised his hand.

According to Reddy and others in the room, Wolf called Obama “the next thing to the Anti-Christ” and ordered Reddy and Dunkley from the room. When Reddy refused, Wolf said he would not teach “liberals” and would cancel the course if Reddy didn’t leave.

So Reddy and Dunkley left, as did a few others.

Lance Meek, hunter education coordinator for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, said Wolf had been a volunteer instructor for “a long time, probably 15 years or more” and “from what we’ve heard and observed, had always done a great job. He worked with the kids really well.”

But when Meek received a call Wednesday morning - from someone other than the Reddys - he said he had no choice.

“I got the call at 8:30, and by 9 o’clock (Wolf) was no longer a volunteer for us," Meek said.

Contacted Friday, Wolf had no comment on the matter. Meek said when he talked briefly to Wolf on Wednesday, Wolf did not deny ordering Reddy from the class or offer an explanation.

Stacy Reddy, Daniel Reddy’s wife and Lane Dunkley’s mother, said the family was surprised by how quickly the Wildlife Department acted.

“Lance Meek called and apologized up and down and wanted to know what they could do to make it right,” she said. “The only thing we really wanted was for my son to be able to take the hunter safety course, and there wasn’t another one in the Tulsa area with an opening for the rest of 2009.”

So Meek arranged for a private class.

This, my friends, is the face of the enemy within. The fact that the man is a Marine (for Christ's sake!) makes absolutely no difference to these fascist monsters that populate and propagate among us.

I have but one question: Why does this "man" (and I use this term in its broadest possible sense), Wolf (in sheep's clothing), merely lose his 'volunteer' job for attempting to deny another American their constitutional right and legally mandated course for exercising said constitutional right? I mean, shouldn't he be punished punitively?


'One dead' in US church shooting


One person has been killed and others injured in a shooting at a church in the US state of Illinois, according to local media reports.

The St Louis Post-Dispatch said the shooting happened at the First Baptist Church in Maryville, about 20 miles (30km) from St Louis, in Missouri.

The paper quoted officials saying the man killed was the church's pastor.

The suspected attacker is said to be in custody and receiving treatment for self-inflicted stab wounds.

He reportedly walked into the church during a Sunday morning service and shot Pastor Fred Winters.

The Post-Dispatch said Mr Winters died in hospital of a gunshot wound to the chest.

It remains unclear how many people in the church were injured.

Ok, Ok already! I know that I am pretty hyper critical of the negative effect that Christianity and its twisted, perverted, contradictory teachings and practices has on society and those very few of us who are even remotely left semi-sane. But this is going a bit too far!

I have never and don't advocate the use of violence on anyone simply because they are Christian, or at least claim to be though their actions may suggest otherwise. In fact, I don't advocate the use of violence at any time for any reason. Though, I understand if one uses violence to protect oneself from violence being visited upon oneself from another. Even then, it is just bad karma.

But when one see's news stories like the one posted (and linked to) above, when one considers the Jihad that Islamic extremists are conducting against "the Christian World or 'those blue eyed devils'", and even the name of this blog (not to give myself any credit for people kinda hating the double standards expressed by the practice of the perverted 'modern Christianity'), one really must stop and wonder... what the fuck are you Christians doing that is earning you all of this obvious disfavor?

I'm just sayin'...

Can ya give us a hint?

Saturday, March 07, 2009

To execute or not?

So, ya really dig the "eye for an eye" philosophy of Christianity when Jesus actually taught to "turn the other cheek"? Well, if ya can't get it that killing is wrong, even to kill killers, no matter how you slice the cake, perhaps you can get it that it is too financially strenuous, especially in these financially straining times.

Check out this article at MSNBC:

"It's 10 times more expensive to kill them than to keep them alive," though most Americans believe the opposite, said Donald McCartin, a former California jurist known as "The Hanging Judge of Orange County" for sending nine men to death row.

The article is pretty cool. It has an interactive map with which you can hover your mouse over any given state and learn how many inmates have been killed in the name of justice since 1976. Texas has killed over 400 people!

And to make matters even worse,

The most recent arguments against it centered on the ever-increasing number of convicts cleared by DNA evidence.

Some of the worst cases occurred in Illinois. In 2000, then-Gov. George H. Ryan placed a moratorium on executions after 13 people had been exonerated from death row for reasons including genetic testing and recanted testimony. Ryan declared the system "so fraught with error that it has come close to the ultimate nightmare, the state's taking of innocent life."

He commuted the sentences of all 167 death row convicts, most to life imprisonment without parole. His moratorium is still in effect.

Across the country, the number of prisoners exonerated and released from death row is more than 130, with thousands of appeals clogging the courts. (emphasis mine).

Death penalty trials are more expensive for several reasons: They often require extra lawyers; there are strict experience requirements for attorneys, leading to lengthy appellate waits while capable counsel is sought for the accused; security costs are higher, as well as costs for processing evidence — DNA testing, for example, is far more expensive than simple blood analyses.

What ever happened to the "moral value" that it is better to let 100 guilty go free than to punish one innocent? And if you imprison an innocent, the best you can do is say, "Ooops, sorry about ruining your life." But you can't take a killing back!

Drill, baby drill!

Kill, baby kill!

You people really confuse me.

Friday, March 06, 2009

A word about postal service hikes and their acting as real estate agents

The price of a stamp to send one letter anywhere in the U.S. was almost fifty cents before the United States Post Office ever even offered to deliver mail to my home in spite of years of repeated requests. That kinda pissed me off a little, but then I live in a rural area... right in the MIDDLE OF THE UNITED STATES, just 45 miles from the Mississippi River. I also live a mile and a half, at most, from two different post offices!

Now, they are talking about raising the price of stamps yet again while considering requesting bail out money from the government, or our tax dollars. And then we find out that they are buying out their employee's homes so that the can VOLUNTARILY relocate to another job. This allows the postal employee, who owns a home worth ONE MILLION DOLLARS, the ability to move to another position without worrying about the failing housing market costing him/her a single dime!

Now, in the first place, the post office has never done me any tremendous favors, unless I count the fact that they finally started delivering my mail within the past two years to a home that has been here since 1934! And while I realize that most postal workers do not make a lot of money, I AM INCENSED THAT ANY OF THEM MAKE ENOUGH TO AFFORD A ONE MILLION DOLLAR HOME! I am further annoyed that THE TAX PAYER IS BEING ASKED TO INSURE THE SALE OF SAID HOME SO THE PRICK CAN GET A HIGHER PAYING JOB!


Let them all fall. I am not hoping Barak Obama fails. I am hoping that CAPITALISM fails, and fails miserably. I know that we will all pay for the failure in the end. But I pay my part each and every fucking day. It is time that some of you other pricks start paying your part, too!