Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Another Fan of O'Really goes on shooting spree-Kills Dem Chair of Arkansas

A man walked into the Democratic Party Headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas and shot and killed the Party Chairman. He was then chased 25 miles by the cops and shot and killed. That's how we do it in Arkansas! Just kill 'em all.

The details of this event are sketchy at present, but I'm betting that this shooter is another of those "the liberals are taking over and ruining the country", Bill O'Really fans.

Everybody, quick! Rush out and get a gun and shoot the first hypocrite that you see! And whatever you do, DON'T look in the mirror first! Then you would commit SOOOOO-EEEEEEE side.

(That is the Razorback fan call in Arkansas, for those of you who don't know it. And please, don't get a gun. And don't shoot anybody!!! Our nations' leaders are filling that quota for all of us. And the Christian Right and Bill O'Really are doing their share as well!) Seems silly to have to make this disclaimer... but who knows!