Thursday, August 21, 2008

After the Windows Era? The GNU World Order!

What Comes After the Windows Era? | Linux Journal
We may finally be witnessing the end of the Windows era.

The most obvious manifestation of this has been the utter fiasco that is Vista. This is not so much things like the recent security hole in Vista's memory protection, which may or may not be a big deal – although if Bruce Schneier sees it as a real problem, then I think Microsoft's probably in trouble. No, it's the fact that however Microsoft tries to spin the numbers, Vista is simply not catching on. The company can try all the marketing tricks it likes, but customers are voting with their wallets by opting for the “downgrade” to XP:

WOO HOO! Take THAT, corporate fat kats! Folks are finally starting to push back the plate full of shit that you have regularly fed them for a quarter of a century!

I would like to suggest that the free software world should start
looking at things from a different perspective – not how many
percentage points GNU/Linux gains on the desktop, but how many
Microsoft is losing to *all* of the alternatives to Windows. Free
software has nothing to fear from a heterogeneous environment – indeed,
mixing technologies almost forces open standards upon manufacturers if
they want to provide full interoperability.