Monday, September 01, 2008

Republican Party: Business As Usual - Lie upon lie

As I write this, news is breaking that the "baby bump" on the 16 year old daughter of Governor Palin in the photo was indeed a "baby bump". The question for most of us was not that the daughter was pregnant or not. It was whether the Governor lied about her own paternity. And it is not really about paternity in either case. It is about whether the possible next VP was honest and forthright or just Dick Cheney lite.

It is difficult for me to even care about the paternity in either case. However, I am sure that this whole affair has an effect on Governor Palin's constituency, the Religious Right. (Incidentally, in my own estimation the term "Religious Right" is in and of itself an oxymoron of the greatest magnitude!)

Who among us even care one whit whether Governor Palin OR her daughter have a child, or even a child out of wedlock? I mean beside the aforementioned oxymoron.

It is painfully clear to me that both Senator McCain and Governor Palin are hypocritical liars. But then, how is that any different than any OTHER politician, lawyer, or law enforcement officer? It is not.

The most egregious issue of this whole affair, in my estimation, is not even whether these trolls lied or not. It is that they, in their hypocritical dual standard philosophy, do not even see the ere in the judgment of bringing new life into this hell whole that most refer to as "life". One or two "damned souls" to propagate the species is MORE than enough for one person/couple.

The contention that either "abstinence only" or "sex education" (which to some apparently means only "passing out condoms") are the only answers are just plain ludicrous! INFORMATION AND EDUCATION beat "taboo subjects" hands down each and every time. And anyone who suggests otherwise is morally and socially blind or simply lying.

Do I care if the VP or his/her child are gay or have children? Not at all. Do I care if they lie about it? You betcha!

You should, too.