Monday, September 29, 2008

An Easy Call

George Bush spoke about the Bailout, economic stimulus, or rescue package (or whatever you want to call it) this morning. He is still clearly pushing this thing forward as an imperative to shield us all against doom and social chaos.

If I have learned anything at all over the past eight years it has been this: If George Bush is for it, it is probably NOT in my own best interest.

So, without even turning a page on the proposal I can say with some degree of certainty that if George Bush is for it I should probably be against it.

I know that many of you will say, "This attitude is not helpful and offers no suggestions." To the contrary, the inherent suggestion here is 'Do not blindly follow the advice and exhortations of an individual who has repeatedly proven to you that he does not care about you or your future'.

I have heard so many politicians over the past few days say that to do nothing is not an option. This could not be farther from the truth! It would certainly not be in the best interest of the money changers and war mongers. And I see as how it could and would surely cascade down upon Main Street. But it is not as if Main Street is not already suffering the ravages visited upon them by the reckless actions of the very people who are lining up at the White House for a hand out. And perhaps a complete failure of our current banking system is EXACTLY what we need in order to begin to heal.

However, I have actually viewed the proposal. And in my opinion, it stinks. I mean, it's a real gas bomb. The son of a bitch died last month and the stench is overwhelming kind of stink!

Let me see if I can lay out this "free market" theology as it usually works, and as it should work.

If you buy gas at a particular service station and your car runs like shit until you fill it up somewhere else. And then it happens again... and again, eventually you figure out that they sell BAD GAS at that station and you quit buying your gas there.

What if every egg that you buy at a particular grocery store has the yolk already broken in every single egg? And this happens with two or more dozen eggs? You figure out that their eggs are BAD and you quit buying eggs there.

Suppose you develop gangrene in your little finger and the decision is made that it must be amputated. And let's say that the doctor was high on blow and cut off the wrong finger. Do you say, "Oops" and let that prick have another go at your hand to try and get the right finger next time? Fuck No! You sue the bastard! You try to have him thrown in jail. And you exercise every self restraint measure in your arsenal to keep from ripping the pricks' throat out and shoving it up his ass!

Now, if you can't see where I am going here, let me just take you there:

I do not have the answer as to how to fix the economy. But I can tell you how NOT to fix it.

We DO NOT GIVE A BLANK CHECK TO THE SAME FUCKING PRICKS WHO TRASHED THE ECONOMY IN THE FIRST PLACE SO THEY CAN FUCKING DO IT AGAIN ONLY WORSE! You throw the criminal bastards in jail, or at the very least out on their ear! But you certainly don't bend over and say "Give it to me again, big boy"!

This economic blackmail of "you will all lose your jobs" or "the sky is falling" is out of line and each person espousing such nonsensical rantings should be charged with terrorism! If the fucking wheels come off of the train, let's just build a better train! Oh, and find better engineers, too!

My personal Representative, (not so) Honorable Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO) voted FOR the bailout even though her office was flooded with calls to reject the proposal. And guess what... she is up for re-election this time around.

Ms Emerson, getting re-elected is questionable when you vote against the will of your voting constituents. And I will do all that I can to ensure that as many people as possible know about your traitorous treachery.

You can check the voting record of YOUR representative here.

Don't vote for a republican, a democrat, nor (especially) an incumbent in any race under any circumstances. Can anyone else actually do a worse job than the pricks that are there? Kick 'em all out!

Fire Congress! Fire Republicans! Fire Democrats! Fire 'em all... and without any pension! Try them all for treason and subversion.

Fuck 'em all! And if you don't feel this way too, then fuck you too.