Thursday, July 24, 2008

Micro Chips for ALL!

Big Brother wants to keep tabs on all of our livestock, pets, and eventually us (as if they don't already know more about you and me than we ourselves do!).

Small farmers have been fighting this alone

For the love of God, don't people have any common sense left at all?

Do not let anyone put a computer chip in your body.

And, while you're all it, lend support to the small farmers who are working to stop this latest psychotic move by our Big Business Government.

Forcing people to chip their backyard livestock and pets is insane.

NAIS, the National Animal ID System, is being fought by this group.

It's in your best interest to support them every way you can:

I keep a few dozen chickens and ducks which provide me with fresh eggs and, on occasion, some meat. I also have a few goats and a couple of asses (a jack and a jenny). The reason for the asses is that they have a natural tendency to "protect the herd" from predators such as coyotes. And, of course, I keep a herding dog (a shelty) and some cats to keep the rodents out of the feed.

And Big brother wants to count them and keep track of them.

I cannot express how much this offends me. If they get this practice passed through, anyone with an animal which is not chipped will not be eligible to buy, sell, or trade their animals and animal products on the market. This means that all un-chipped animals will eventually die out leaving only the ones that ARE chipped to buy, sell and trade.

Right now, the only organization in Missouri that is actively campaigning against these draconian laws is the Missouri Libertarian Party. Most everyone in Southeast Missouri are Fascist Christian Extremist Republicans who really cannot even have a rational independent thought. They bend over and say "please" each and every time that Big Brother offers to screw them.

I am not simply hurling insolence around for effect. They really don't seem to realize what they are allowing to happen to them... genuinely! If someone portending to uphold "Christian Values" says virtually anything at all (like "let's go kill them rag head bastards"), then it must be God's will!

Yet, many of them complain about cell phones and the potential health problems associated with them. And they cannot even connect the dots after they hear the heart wrenching stories of lost family pets being reunited with their owners nor the 'politics of fear' warnings of unmonitored livestock introducing "Mad Cow" and the likes into the human food chain.

But I can assure you that introducing a data collection device which causes cancer and extreme pain and discomfort is NOT the answer to those concerns. Data collection has only two purposes: targeted marketing and control.

To lay aside your privacy and liberties in the name of 'security and safety' is the epitome of insanity.

Take action NOW to stop this new industry before it is too late!