Thursday, July 10, 2008

John McCain on Social Security: "It's An Absolute Disgrace"

It's easy to think that Social Security is a disgrace when your family has $100 million and 8 homes, like John McCain's does. But for the rest of us - for our parents, and for our grandparents - Social Security is how millions of people pay their bills and keep food on the table.

Social Security is the principal source of income for two-thirds of older Americans, and virtually the only source of income for one-third. Social Security also serves as an important safety net, protecting America's workers and their families against the risks of death and disability.

This information provided by Americans United for Change.

And we all see what a wonderful job privatization has done with "the war". No bid contracts for Haliburton, Blackwater, and their ilk. Yeah! Sure! Let's privatize our retirement and disability, too. That should rush the demise of the world by quite a bit!