Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Impeachment Will Be Heard on Friday

SAY IT AIN'T SO! Could WE finally BE HEARD?

Read the entire transcript at the link below.
Dennis Kucinich: Thanks to You, Impeachment Will Be Heard on Friday |
I want to thank you for the support which you have given to my efforts to hold this administration accountable for taking us into a war based on lies and for the destruction of the rule of law and the destruction of cherished constitutional principles.

Because of your support, this Friday in Washington, DC, I will make a presentation before the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives at which time I will make the case that this president has violated his oath of office, violated United States law and international law, has separated our nation from our constitution, and has taken us on a course that has been so profoundly anti-democratic that it has threatened the core of our nation.

Because of your support, I have been able to advance this series of matters right to the table of the Judiciary Committee.

Because of your support, I have been able to create an opening so we’re finally getting a chance in Washington to discuss the abuses of power, to discuss a war based on lies, to discuss the whole architecture of constitutional principles that have been taken down.

Every serious matter that faces the people of this country today can be linked to an administration which is not accountable.

Woo Hoo! They'll be dancing in the street!
Dare we hope for some accountability? Dare we dream?
And the "owners" will say, "How dare you?!"
And life will continue as usual.
And the murderers will go on killing and stealing from the people.
And the people will continue to cowl in fear.
And the rich will get richer as the poor will get poorer.

Tell me again that I have no faith!