Our peerless leader has been confronted with a parallel of sorts concerning the length of time of our presence in the Middle East and the length of time it took us to win World War Two. His response to this question is the same confusing double talk with which he traditionally responds to any question in which his tactical record is brought into question.
In this particular instance he veils the current war effort in a diatribe which alleges that the professed enemies have no clear demarcation of battle lines. And he repeatedly insists that these indefinable battle lines are exist in Iraq and Afghanistan. This in an of itself shows his intent to confuse and mislead the people. If, as he insists, the enemy's battle lines cannot be defined, how can he assert that Iraq and Afghanistan are indeed the war front?
He repeatedly insists that if his general's request additional troops that he will send them. Yet, we repeatedly here his generals stating clearly that they do not have the manpower to accomplish the mission.
In World War Two we pulled out all the stops. We assembled all of our resources and those of our allies together and attacked and overcame the adversary in that war. The difference between the current conflict and that one is that we have never concerted all our efforts into an overwhelming assault force and engaged the adversaries with clear intent to annihilate them.
Again, Mr. Bush, why don't you just shut up. Every time you open your mouth you become less credible. Not all of Americans are complete and total idiots. Just the ones in your pocket, the Christians, and NASCAR and wrestling fans are.
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