Thursday, October 26, 2006

Amendment 2

The Nazi neo-cons have ramped up their attack on Amendment 2, The Stem Cell Research initiative. And it's not surprising that they collected a group of athletes to speak to their target audience, sports fanatics. This moronic section of our population will believe anything they are told by an athlete for the simple reason that if they can read at all, they are too damned lazy to.

There is one athlete who says something to the effect, " the 2000 words that you don't read, this amendment constitutionally protects and guarantees human cloning."

The third item in the amendment is pasted below:

"(1) No person may clone or attempt to clone a human being."

Further on in the draft it goes on to delineate criminal prosecution for anyone who violates this condition.

This is just another example of the Nazi's gambit that the American public is just plain ignorant and lazy and will believe their blatant lies out of pure lethargy.

Here is the link to the Secretary of State's page that has the draft amendment for anyone who can read.

The Two Party System depends on the fact that most Americans will believe anything they are told.

You may not like me or my opinions, but please, for the love of Jesus, vote these bastards out! All of them! Both parties! Give it to someone, anyone else so that they will know that we won't accept "business as usual", screw the people, corporate designed rule anymore!

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