Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I agree with the "Tea Party"...

Yes. As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with Sarah Palin on one thing (and one thing only):

Mainstream Media is definitely lame. And Lamestream Media is a good name for them.

"Why?", you may ask. Well, I'll tell you.

For two decades I have clamored about the need for another political party to emerge and be recognized. And for much longer than that there have been a whole host of other political parties in existence in the United States. There are the Libertarians, the Greens, the Socialists, the Communists, the Anarchists, and many more. When I envisioned a "third party", I actually envisioned one with some common sense--some interest in fairness and their common man. Something more forward thinking than the capitalists who currently run our nation and its economy.

But what did our Lame Stream Media pick up for us as a "viable third party"? You guessed it. The Tea Party: an organization that is so hauntingly similar to the National Socialist Party of Germany from which the Nazi's were spawned. THIS is what they think is a "viable" third party! Not a party interested in equal rights. Not a party interested in health care for all. Not a party that is interested in reinvesting in America. Fascists. Haters. War mongers. That are the values of the organization that the media believes is worthy of their attention, the platform from which to shout their vile filled bilge, the free public megaphone of their 27/7 coverage.

The Tea Party.

That's who the media believes deserves their promotion. Haters.

That is exactly why I not only support the Turn Off Fox Campaign, but also no longer watch HLN, CNN, MSNBC, nor any of the other corporate backed cable news networks. Nor do I lend any credence to the New York Times, Washington Post, nor any other corporate backed news outlets.

If you have not noticed a theme in my discretion here I will point it out to you. Fascism is a government which, if not outright owned by corporations and industry, caters specifically and wholly to corporate and industry interests and needs. The single most important strategy for these special interests to maintain their control over the masses is to keep the masses afraid of each other.

The "divide and conquer" strategy is at least as old as Sun Tzu's "Art of War". And the mindless masses buy off into the illusion of the perceived threat that we each hold for each other. Until we realize who the enemy truly is, fascism, we will be doomed to live in bondage and fear.

I, for one, choose not to live under this delusion.
