Thursday, January 17, 2008

How the American Media Enables Bush

Ayesha Ijaz KhanY wrote on Counter Punch:
"Perhaps it was this frustration with having to report in such a biased one-sided manner, a nearly obsessive form of self-censorship, that led some newscasters to abandon altogether any seriousness that naturally comes with debating important global issues, preferring instead to dumb-down news to a level of flippant comedy. Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, and Keith Oberman all seemed to disagree with the Bush administration's handling of foreign policy, yet instead of presenting serious critiques, pinpointing precise failings, they had resorted to comic relief at the expense of the establishment. It was better than nothing, and in my three month summer sojourn in New York, I watched Bill Maher regularly, but I could not help but feel that slapstick news was America's way of escaping the real problems rather than an attempt at solving them."

I would just like to point out that the crimes and treason that have been perpetrated against the American People and the World is so very sickening to me that parody is the only way I can personally stomach much of what I am forced to face each day coming out of D.C.

That being said, I hope that she understands some day that some of us here in the U.S. find what appalls her so just as appalling, sickening, embarrassing and deplorable. Helplessness and hopelessness are staples in my house, thank you very much.

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