Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Has the U.S. initiated biological warfare against Venezuala?

You can read the report on the web for yourself here.

The web site is in Spanish. If your Spanish is like mine, you can have it translated here.

According to The zuliano newspaper Panorama, Venezuelan Scientists have identified a new type of the more aggressive form of dengue fever, classified type 5, that presents/displays hepatitis complications in the patients causing the death.
"This is not of spontaneous origin. It is verified scientifically in the laboratories of LIGHT virology that it was a mutation of a technological manner and that it suggests a more likely experience of military biological engineering."

They go on to suggest that the strain was developed in laboratories in the United States.

The Bush Regime has been caught lying so many times to the American People that it is no longer amusing. And we all know how Neo-con fascists in the Western Hemisphere feel about Socialism and Communism.

Is World War III (or IV or whatever) already under way? Hold on to your hats folks, 'cause here we go!

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