Tuesday, September 25, 2007

War is a commercial enterprise, and O'Reilly can Kiss my ass!

There was a time when I would have supported the election of Collin Powel for Commander and Chief. Of course, that was before he sold out to the money whores and bowed out in disgrace. I hope everyone notices the fate of Bush Administration officials who defy or even disagree with Dumbia and Darth Vader.

Watch this interview on Real Time...

Everyone made such a fuss about the President of Iran speaking at Columbia University calling him a liar (among other things) and comparing him to Hitler. My problem is that virtually everything that I heard said about him could be said about George Dumbia, yet no one dares say such truths about our peerless leader. Mainstream media certainly won't, or they would lose their corporate subsidies.

I was participating in an online discussion at beliefnet about a year ago where I identified as a Buddhist and I was complaining about current events and one of the participants told me that Buddhists weren't suppose to "worry about stuff like that". I quit participating on beliefnet. But the circumstance has nagged at the back of my mind ever since. Now, I see Buddhist Monks in Myanmar marching in the streets in protest of military rule and in favor of Democracy. So, I guess we do worry about these things. I guess it is like the Christian admonition to be in this world but not of it.

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