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In order to maintain an untenable position, you have to be actively ignorant.
Friday, December 28, 2007 Presidential Debates
In addition, this coming Monday, December 31st, Brian will be interviewed on XM Satellite Radio, based in Washington, DC. The program is called POTUS LIVE '08, and the host is Tim Farley. He will interview Brian at 11:35 AM, and the segment will last from six to eight minutes. The program has 500,000 listeners per week, all of them are called "hard-core political junkies, as their target audience," according to the program's producer, Joanna Roufa Welch.
Following is a note from the editor and link to the two
Debates in the Presidential Debate Series are now ready for download
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
Countries condemn Bhutto assassination (AP)
Prime Minister Bhutto was a sincere progressive socialist that the world will miss. Her death is symbolic of what the "extremists" of the world have in mind for all who would forge a better world for all. She may have been killed by a suicide bomber, but her death is the result of the ineffective policy and greed committed by the few against the many.
When it is so easy to kill good leaders, why do fascists like Bush, Hussien, and Musharif just linger on and on?
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Moore/Alexander MySpace
The Socialist Party USA nominations for President and Vice President now have their MySpace account open and the page up and running for all to interact with the candidates. Feel free to drop by, log in and meet up with Socialists all over the United States. Ask the candidates questions and express your concerns, hopes and vision for a new future for America.
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Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Hollidays
Notice the top of the Christmas Tree. Since the War Monger and Chief usurped power and installed his self as Leader of the Slave World he and his accomplices have invaded at least two sovereign nations, criminally slandered and threatened several others, cut taxes on only the richest of the world, sold our own national sovereignty out to the new world order, cut ALL social programs to the quick, destroyed the education system (presumably in a concerted effort to 'dumb down' Amerika), and systematically violated and negated any and all individual rights, privileges, and freedoms that we ever enjoyed. Most of the damage he and his accomplices have done is permanent and irreparable.
So, come next election cycle go ahead and vote for your favorite corporate lap dog for it will make little difference. You have already been sold out and pushed down the river styx. Enjoy the scenery.
Happy Holidays.
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Saturday, December 22, 2007
Santa Claus Delivers 37,000+ Copies of Constitution to President Bush
Americans from all over the country – more than 37,000 of them – asked that a copy of the Constitution be delivered to the President in their name and cordially requested that he make time in his busy schedule to read it.
Watch the video...
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Friday, December 21, 2007
Major Labels Drop the Ax
In the right sidebar to this site is a "Don't Buy Into It" icon that we have been promoting here at Surviving Christianity for several months. The general idea is to boycott the record industry for mistreating the public with poor talent and high prices. They are trying to control everything we listen to by making us pay repeatedly for every form of media with Digital Media Rights.
Some of the greatest musical masterpieces of all time came into being for free! Mozart died a pauper, just for instance. The maniacal reach for our precious dollars at every turn has become obsessive and only we can turn off the spout... by closing our wallets.
And it appears as if it is working. The record industry is collapsing under the pressure. Chances are, the big four labels will not even resemble their current structure a year from now.
If we could do this throughout the economy... just think of the power of the purse! We could cripple our own non-responsive, self-interested, self-absorbed government officials and bend them to our will...
if we would only work together to stop them from receiving any money. If everyone would just close their pocket for a week, or even a day, in concert they would get a message loud and clear that they only have the power because we give it to them.
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Top Quotes of '07
I think it bears mention that the most popular phrases being quoted for the year have a direct connection to the spread and rise of Fascism in Amerika today.
Number 5 was Alberto Gonzolez' now famous reiterated quip, "...I don't recall..."
But coming in at number one is the famous plea of Andrew Meyers, "Don't tase me, bro!" A good request to keep in the back of your mind any time you leave your home (or not).
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Protests erupt over New Orleans housing
At about 11 a.m., several protesters were dragged out of council
chambers after scuffles broke out among people who packed the room, and
members of the crowd booed council members and shouted insults at them.
Police Spokesman states that these people were clearly there to be disruptive and disobedient. And the new fascist government will quell any show of disobedience by force. Several protesters were taken away by ambulance after being tased and beaten by law enforcement.
I'm quit sure that these people were only there to be disruptive. They couldn't have been interested in saving their homes from ethnic cleansing, American Style, and capitalist expansion and oppression.
We are no longer allowed to speak up for ourselves and our own rights and privileges in Amerika. Rule by mandate and by force is the order of the day.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Judge asked not to see CIA tapes
Sat, 15 Dec 2007 19:54:08 |
The Bush administration has told a federal judge not to watch the CIA interrogation tapes and not to follow up the tapes' destruction issue. In court documents the government lawyers told the US District Judge Henry H. Kennedy that asking for information about the much disputed tapes would interfere with the present investigations by the Congress and the Justice Department. This is the first time the government has discussed the issue of the videotapes in court. Kennedy ordered the Bush administration in June 2005 to safeguard 'all evidence and information regarding the torture, mistreatment, and abuse of detainees at the US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay.' Five months later the CIA destroyed the interrogation tapes. Government lawyers told Kennedy the tapes were not covered by his court order because the interrogations of the suspected terrorists, Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, were not at the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba. The men were interrogated in secret CIA prisons overseas. They were later transferred to Guantanamo Bay and the tapes were destroyed. Attorney General Michael Mukasey declined to give any details to the congress about the government's investigation into the matter saying it would raise questions about whether the request was because of political pressure. NA/RA |§ionid=3510203
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Friday, December 14, 2007
Socialists Want Stronger Ties with Mexico
Stewart A. Alexander - Peace and Freedom Party
As the 2008 Election year moves into high gear, most of the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates have adopted an anti-immigrant and anti-Mexican strategy for their campaigns. The message of the candidates is outlining an agenda that will increase border enforcement and supporting legislation that will restrict the rights of millions of immigrants.
This anti-immigrant rhetoric, coming from the two corporate parties, is helping to drive an anti-immigrant public phobia across America and is straining our political ties with Mexico. Just last week President Felipe Calderon of Mexico accused these candidates of being “swaggering, macho and anti-Mexican,” according to the Associated Press.
President Calderon also sharply criticized the U.S. Congress and government for taking measures to persecute, mistreat and restrict the rights of immigrant workers. Calderon has strongly denounced the U.S. immigration policy. The president has charged, “The insensitivity toward those who support the U.S. economy and society has only served as an impetus to reinforce the battle... for their rights,” according to the Washington Post.
Within the past decade, the general attitude of millions of Americans have become worst toward Mexico and Mexicans in the US, in large part due to a weakening U.S. economy and the failure of U.S. trade agreements, such as NAFTA.
US trade agreements in general do not benefited working-class people on either side of the US-Mexico border; these trade agreements only benefit the billionaires and capitalists in both countries. What has been evident is the basic standard of living has been lowered in Mexico due to these flawed trade agreements and poverty is ravishing that entire nation.
As a result, hundreds of thousands of Mexicans are seeking work in the US only as a means of survival and to feed their families. Many Mexicans are braving treacherous borders and are risking rape, starvation, threats and death only to improve the well-being for their families.
The Bush administration and Congress are now constructing a 700-mile US-Mexico border fence that is only exacerbating the immigration issues between the two neighboring countries and straining relations; the border fence is also a senseless approach to deal with a complexity of issues that are rooted in solving the needs of working people.
The Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA are opposed to the direction that the Democrats and Republicans are leading millions of American; the presidential candidates, along with their parties are fueling a national attitude of ill-will and resentment toward Mexicans and Mexicans-Americans.
Socialist leaders understand that the two corporate parties are only using the issues of immigration as a means of diverting public attention from the Iraq War; a war that has caused over one million deaths. The two corporate parties want to divert public attention from an expanding national debt that is now approaching $10 trillion and a massive trade deficit that has become a burden on every working class family. The failing policies, of the two parties, has produced out of control inflation, a national recession, soaring gasoline prices, a crumbling housing market, unaffordable health care, failing senior care, smaller paychecks, and a fail foreign policy that has revealed that the Democrats and Republicans have failed in their responsibilities to the American people.
In the grand scheme of American politics, the immigration issue will exist until the needs of working-class people are met. Until the needs of working people are addressed, building political walls and border walls will ultimately prove futile and will cause more human suffering and deaths.
Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA fully support protecting the rights of working class people on both sides of the US-Mexico border and both socialist parties oppose building border walls. All the 2008 candidates, from the two socialist parties, favor strengthening ties with Mexico and developing policy that will benefit working people in both countries and worldwide.
For more information search the Web for: Stewart A. Alexander; Immigrants are Lost in American Politics; Border Fence - the Cost is Far too High; Iraq War, Many Diversions; Independent Voters Rejecting Democrats and Republicans.
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
Meet them at the gates...Veterans without services
Father of Spec. Tim Bowman wants the Veterans Administration to meet young veterans coming home from war to assess their medical needs rather than the veterans going in search for help at the V.A. when it is needed. Back home in Forreston, Illinois for just eight months, Tim shot himself with a handgun, in the office where he and his father worked as electricians after surviving the war in Iraq.
The problem as I see it, though, is the simple fact that the V.A. doesn’t want to treat the patients that DO find their way to the hospital doors. The idea that they will go out LOOKING for patients is ludicrous. Getting a prescription filled or refilled takes practically an act of congress and the nerves of a saint. Getting them to monitor existing conditions or diagnose new ones comes only on near death situations.
As long as they are working to protect “the bottom line”, they will be ignoring conditions that need to be addressed. Cost effectiveness equals “don’t spend” to the corporate America bean counters. One cannot even hope for lasting minor advances in care so long as their heads are up their collective asses counting the beans they ate for lunch.
Just forget it, Mr. Bowman. Too little, too late is the order of business.
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Colo. Church Gunman 'Hated Christians'
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) - The deadly shooting sprees at a megachurch and a missionary training school were believed to have been carried out by the same person - a 24-year-old suburban Denver man who "hated Christians," a law enforcement official told The Associated Press.
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the investigation, identified the gunman as Matthew Murray, the son of a neurologist who is a prominent researcher on multiple sclerosis.
Five people - including a gunman - were killed, and five others wounded Sunday in the two eruptions of violence 12 hours and 65 miles apart.
The first attack took place at a youth missionary training center in the Denver suburb of Arvata; the other happened at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, where the gunman was shot and killed by a security guard.
The law enforcement official said Murray was believed to be the gunman in both attacks. Murray did not appear to have a criminal history but "hated Christians," the official said. The official did not know Murray's religion, if any.
It is usually unprovoked Christians killing innocent bystanders. Kind of interesting to see the tables turned. Tragic, but interesting. When, oh when, will the west begin to understand how they are generally viewed?
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"You, Mr.. Bush, are a bald-faced liar."
Unfit To Serve
"You, Mr.. Bush, are a bald-faced liar."
8 Minute Video - Keith Olbermann
A Special Comment about the President’s cataclysmic deception about Iran.
MSNBC - Broadcast 12/06/07
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Friday, December 07, 2007
Report: Drug War Disproportionately Targets Blacks in 97% of Large Counties
Washington, DC: A new report released Tuesday by the Justice Policy Institute states that 193 out of 198 counties studied imprison African Americans at markedly higher rates for drug offenses.
The report found that African Americans are ten times more likely to be imprisoned for a drug offense, despite the fact that whites and African Americans use and sell drugs at comparable rates. In addition, the report found no correlation between the rate at which people are sent to prison and the rate at which drugs are used in a given county. Instead, high county drug prison admission rates were associated with the size of county police and judiciary budgets, the proportion of the county’s population that is African American, and higher poverty and unemployment levels.
In 2002, over half of the 175,000 persons admitted to prison for drug offenses nationwide were African American, according to the report. African Americans make up less than 13 percent of the U.S. population.
The authors cite differences in availability of drug treatment for African Americans compared to whites, mandatory minimum sentencing laws, and disparate treatment by police and the courts as factors contributing to the racial disparities in drug imprisonment rates.
In response to their findings, the authors call for a de-escalation of the drug war, a comprehensive policy review and reform of current drug law enforcement practices that are focused in the African American community. They also urge increased funding in public services to help curb drug addiction. "Rather than focus law enforcement efforts on drug-involved people who bear little threat to public safety, we should free up local resources to fund treatment, job training, supportive housing, and other effective public safety strategies," stated JPI executive director Jason Ziedenberg.
Full text of the report "The Vortex: The Concentrated Racial Impact of Drug Imprisonment and the Characteristics of Punitive Counties," is available online at:
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Harsh Words for Yahoo
Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Tom Lantos had some harsh words for Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang. The comment came after Yahoo admitted helping communist China identify a Chinese dissident. This is what he said: "While technologically and financially you are giants, morally you are pygmies."
And that is why Anonymity and the Net is an issue.
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Cafferty File
Jack Cafferty read another of my comments on his CNN Feature: The Cafferty File.
The Question:
What's the single most important task Congress must complete before adjourning for the holidays?
My response:
Accountability. Impeachment and prosecution of criminals for war crimes and deception of the public.
"Not on the table", I know. But then, my priorities and those of my legislators are rarely the same.
Call me cynical.
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Iraq War Funding- Bush Pressuring Democrats
Stewart A. Alexander
Socialist Party USA- Nominee for U.S. Vice President,
and candidate for nomination by the Peace and Freedom Party
December 4, 2007
President Bush is attempting to pressure Democrats in Washington to give him $196 billion to continue the Iraq War. To enforce his position, the president is threatening mass layoffs of civilian employees at the Defense Department if Congress delays his war funding.
President Bush chose to direct his threats against the civilian employees even though the Democratic-controlled Congress has already approved $50 billion in supplemental war spending that will finance the Iraq occupation into early March of 2008.
The Democrats are now within one year of the 2008 General Election, and since the 2006 Mid-Term Election the Democrats have done nothing to fulfill the promises they made to the American people to bring our troops home. Instead the Democrats have given Bush more money to expand his war and brave soldiers continue to die in a needless war based on lies.
Since the war began in March of 2003, Congress has approved nearly $500 billion in military funding for the war. The waste of dollars pales in comparison to the more than 3,880 brave American women and men that have died to enrich the big oil interests, even without considering the terrible toll on Iraqis.
If the Democrats and Republicans give Bush the increased funding, the funds will continue to finance an occupation that is completely destroying Iraq for the benefit of a wealthy few in America and abroad. Mass suffering in Iraq means high oil prices and record oil company profits. Approximately 4 million Iraqi refugees have fled the war-torn nation. Unfortunately, more than one million Iraqis will never return home after becoming the victims of this senseless war.
During the early months of 2007, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid charged that President Bush was pursuing a failed strategy that is endangering American troops; now the Senate leader is asking the President to adjust the war strategy, but basically going along with each presidential demand for money to pursue the war. It appears that the Democrats have fallen back from their rhetorical position against the war, and their compromising will cost the lives of more troops. While top Democratic presidential candidates admit that troops will remain in Iraq well into the next president's term, Democrats in Congress join with most Republicans in going along with the entire president̢۪s funding demands to continue and expand the war.
Many Democrats and Republicans are now conceding that the U.S. will remain in Iraq for years and it appears that Bush is making more progress with the Democrats, rather than the Democrats making any progress to end the war.
The Peace and Freedom Party and the Socialist Party USA have opposed the war, even prior to the invasion of March 2003. Both socialist parties reject any additional war funding and any extension of timetables to bring American troops home.
The U.S. military has all the necessary funds to bring American troops home and to end the occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan. In a shameful display of weakness of the supposed leading party in American politics, Democrats appear ready to cave in as President Bush threatens to lay off Defense Department employees in an effort to keep Americans tied to a war that is so vehemently opposed by the vast majority of Americans and the world.
For more information search the web for: Stewart A. Alexander; Independent Voters Rejecting Democrats and Republicans.
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Monday, December 03, 2007
Man Takes Hostages in NH Clinton Office - Stated reason: No Health Care Coverage
(ROCHESTER, N.H.) — A man claiming to have a bomb walked into a Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign office Friday and took at least two hostages, police and witnesses said. Clinton was not in the state at the time.
The man ordered the hostages onto the floor and then released a mother and her baby, said State Police Maj. Michael Hambrook. Two campaign volunteers were still being held, said Bill Shaheen, a top state campaign official.
The assailant claimed that the reason he did it is because he needed treatment for an alcohol problem and did not have insurance coverage for the treatment.
It sounds a lot like Mark Foley... wait, he had coverage before he committed his crimes.
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Friday, November 30, 2007
What is a FairTax plan?
The FairTax plan is a comprehensive proposal that replaces all federal income and payroll based taxes with an integrated approach including a progressive national retail sales tax, a prebate to ensure no American pays federal taxes on spending up to the poverty level, dollar-for-dollar federal revenue neutrality, and, through companion legislation, the repeal of the 16th Amendment.
The FairTax Act (HR 25, S 1025) is nonpartisan legislation. It abolishes all federal personal and corporate income taxes, gift, estate, capital gains, alternative minimum, Social Security, Medicare, and self-employment taxes and replaces them with one simple, visible, federal retail sales tax administered primarily by existing state sales tax authorities.
The FairTax taxes us only on what we choose to spend on new goods or services, not on what we earn. The FairTax is [purported to be] a fair, efficient, transparent, and intelligent solution to the frustration and inequity of our current tax system.
The FairTax [purportedly]:
* Enables workers to keep their entire paycheck
* Enables retirees to keep their entire pension
* Reimburses the tax on purchases of basic necessities
* Allows American products to compete fairly
* Brings transparency and accountability to tax policy
* Ensures Social Security and Medicare funding
* Closes all loopholes and brings fairness to taxation
* Abolishes the IRS
There is No Such Thing as a Fair Tax
The problem that I see with the so called “Fair Tax” is that it places the entire burden of the taxation system directly onto the consumer. Who generates the greatest incomes and revenues in society? Businesses and corporations. How will the proposed ‘fair taxes’ be assessed and collected? On the products that are purchased and consumed.
How many loaves of bread does a business or corporation consume through the course of a year. My estimation is somewhere around zero. Almost every single item that the average person uses through the course of the day (deodorant, tooth paste, toilet paper, food, televisions, computers, automobiles, cooking utensils, etc.) will cost a full 30% more than they do now. Exactly how many of these things do businesses and corporations rely on to make it through the day? Not many. Yet, they are and will be reaping the largest profit margins.
The Fair Tax proposal is simply another lie to place the lions share of the cost of a government to act contrary to the benefit of its people onto the shoulders of the least wealthy of the society.
an economic, political and social system based on private ownership of property, business and industry, and directed towards making the greatest possible profits for successful organizations and people
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
For as long as society depends on a system which promotes and rewards greed, i.e. money, we will always experience the phenomenon of those who have the most money placing the burden of debt onto those who have the least.
As the money whores and masters writhe and lie and obfuscate in a never ending effort to take more and keep more for themselves, the people will eventually come to understand the despotism being perpetrated against them. They may not be able to comprehend the truth about what the answer to their plight is because the the money whores and masters have been systematically brainwashing them into believing that ‘Socialism’ itself is evil. But they will, and must, come to know that the system that they worship, the system that they rely on for every other aspect of their lives, their economy is what is truly corrupt at the root of it all and that capitalism itself is what is keeping them enslaved. And they will revolt. The only question is if they will choose the path that will enable and benefit all mankind.
The Answer:
the set of beliefs which states that all people are equal and should share equally in the wealth of the country, or the political systems based on these beliefs
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
Now honestly, which definition more closely matches our very Declaration of Independence? Capitalism or Socialism?
It is they, the slave masters, who do not wish for us to realize this plain reality.
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Pet Teddy Bear Named Muhammad
Hi Everybody,
Meet my virtual pet bear named G.W. Muhammad.
He has a very interesting history. He is, of course, no relation to the Prophet, but he does have a gardener named Jesus. My virtual pet is best of friends with his country's sworn enemies. And he likes to take what is not his while he gives weapons to people who hate his people. He'll break into your den and check all of your beds without your permission. He will take the honey from your pot and call you a terrorist for objecting. And he has traded everything noble (your dignity) for everything that is evil (the Federal Reserve Printing Press).
What exactly is in a name, anyhow?
Sudan Sentences Teacher to 15 Days
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
Fascist State: add nauseam
Police Taser a woman for a traffic violation
The Warren Police Department is under fire for another accusation of abuse of force. The latest incident happened during a September second arrest in the parking lot of a popular nightclub.
Florida woman tasered to death NEW!! When will this shit stop??
add nauseam
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Fascist State: Excessive force, tasers-enhanced interogation
UHP (Utah Highway Patrol) tasers man in front of pregnant wife and baby over an alleged speeding ticket. Outraged? Call the Vernal, Utah UHP Office and let them know!
When is America going to wake up and take arms against the Fascist State? Taser assaults by law enforcement personnel is reaching epidemic proportions. Will we yawn again and accept this behavior as 'normal'? When they come after YOU, your yawn will become screams of indignation... and no one will listen to your pleas for justice, either. I remember a day when citizens were to be treated with a modicum of dignity. Now, we have no rights and no recourse, save disobedience. When did questioning authority become a crime punishable by torture? When you all rolled over and licked your nuts. The only thing that makes me sicker than the behavior of this 'law enforcement official' is the apathy and resignation that 'the people' have accepted this kind of brutality with.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Rebuttal to a Hater of anti-Semites
So, the post is as follows with my comments numbered throughout.
Poster 1 says: "I do not see Judaism as a religion at all. They do not really believe in an after life - it is more simply an ideology."
Hey watch that Anti-Semitic tone there Poster! As a Reformed Jew, I have no clue whether Judiasm as a whole has an afterlife or not. Perhaps you should speak to a Conservative or an Orthodox Jew to get their take. Whether Judiasm believes in an afterlife or not, it IS a religion! I call the comment Anti-Semitic because I saw no reference to any other religion being downgraded as not being one simply because an afterlife is believed in or not! I don't see any other religion referred to "as simply an ideology". Judiasm is always picked on because it doesn't conform to what others think a religion should be or because someone else writes something about Judiasm that's false which people believe.
(1) Buddhism is "as simply an ideology". But they get along with their neighbors. It is their neighbors that tend to treat Buddhists as door mats. Still, you don’t hear them crying or anyone else crying about them (nor especially for them). And ‘Jews”, “Judaism”, and Israel are three separate things. Admittedly, some are subsets of others in some cases. But they are essentially separate entities.
"There was no "Exodus" no Moses, no Solomon and IF there was a DAvid he was merely a petty chieftain of a band of cutthroats."
Pardon me again? There WAS an Exodus. Why do you think Passover exists? Or do you care! Obviously you've never deined yourself the honor of going to a Passover Cedar which exists to remind our people of how we fled Egypt and slavery whether it's mentioned in the Bible or other texts or not. Bother to to a Seder and every single item that we eat has a significant meaning that deals with our Exodus.Ya might even learn something! I haven't been to a Sedar since I was 20, but I well remember them. One of the first things read in the prayer books at a Seder is "Why is this night different than any other night?" It sure wasn't because it was wrestling night!The items on the Sedar plate are symbols of our Exodus. We believe there was a Moses despite what others have written in whatever text. I don't know if there was a Solomon, but if there was, he shouldn't be ignored, nor do not think there was ever a David. Calling him a "petty chieftan" is insulting. You might as well say Jesus was a "petty" person according to his position. If David was real, and he's considered a "petty chieftan of cutthroats" his being Jewish was probably a good justification for villainizing him.
(2) “Why do you think Passover exists? Or do you care!” So, you get together every year to commemorate a myth. Actually, who does care? One night long ago in Egypt people smeared blood on their doors to keep the “loving hand of God” from killing their children out of revenge? “We believe there was a Moses despite what others have written in whatever text.” And some people believe in the tooth fairy. You believe in the Passover just like another believes in the coming of a ‘Messiah’, like another believes in a Jewish Conspiracy. Fairy tales to explain the incomprehensible. To make sense of the nonsensical. And “ whatever text” can be used to label your own ‘religious’ recitations (i.e. Exodus, Torah). History will look back at Hitler and Bush as a "petty chieftan of cutthroats". So, David’s ‘Jewishness’ is not the only justification for villainizing him. He was fairly corrupt in action, if not remorseful at heart. But he was a human, not worse than that.
Poster 1 the Anti-Semite also says:
"there is no way that the Jews CAN live in peace with their neighbors - never have and never will because they think they are different,"
(3) Please see numbers (1) and (6).
We could live in peace with our neighbors if people didn't always try to take things from us,just like any other radicals of a religion, and when we do the same, we're villainized. Why do you think we're different? Do you expect us to be a submissive people? I don't consider myself different from you, nor superior. Another Anti-Semitic myth that you get from television news.Obviously you'd never 'lower' yourself to have any Jewish friends to find out we're not all the same.
(4) I am of German lineage. That doesn’t mean that I am the equivalent of Hitler. Nor does it indicate that I personally owe the Jews (let’s call them Israel) a thing in the world for what happened to them in WWII (or when they were taken into captivity the first 2 or 3 times and were subsequently scattered throughout the world, for that matter). Yet, my taxes go to subsidize Israel and all her out right acts of genocide committed against the Palestinians to date (as if Amerika doesn’t have enough of its own crimes to atone for). I really don’t feel that I am liable for that. And the Israeli Lobby does heavily influence U.S. Foreign Policy that doesn’t really help American Citizens at all! “And when we do the same, we're villainized.” Two wrongs are the beginnings of a tragedy. Incidentally, I’ve had a lot of ‘Jewish friends’. And most of them have converted to a more Buddhist tradition. A few of them were actually great ‘teachers’ of spirituality. Perhaps my experience with ‘Jews’ is unique, I don’t know. I have also had a very dear friend who was Lebanese. Not a nicer guy in the world! Yet Israel drops bombs on Lebanese civilian populations with impunity.
"it is imperative to their way of think that they keep themselves - they are conditioned from birth to believe that they are "chosen" by someone called Yahwweh" (tribal god NOT the God of All) Their leaders (Levitical priests and so forth) have kept them tightly controlled for two and ahalf thousand years by this totalatarian method."
Excuse me again, Anti-Semitic? It's no doubt written that we believe we're the "Chosen" people, but I was never "conditioned from birth" to think I'm any more "Chosen" than any other person from a religion. Those that do DON'T speak for all Jews, just like not all Jews are religious. I never went to Temple but my brother did. He hated it. He was confirmed so he would be looked upon as a "man" at 13. My brother is so obnoxious that he'd never be considered a "man" in my book. I was never confirmed, but I still consider myself a "woman" whether a Rabbi thinks of me as one or not. I can't read/write/speak Hebrew. But I'm no less of a Jew, nor am I less of one because I'm not religious.Although Jews started all the major movie studios, I don't personally own them, or any other business. I'm not a lawyer, banker, accountant, all the stereotyped jobs a Jew is 'supposed' to have. I save my money NOT because I'm a Jew, but because it helps me have enough for bills. We're a free people and controlled by no one. We think for ourselves, and do for ourselves. We're not all controlled by any leaders. I've had encounters with the practioners of Yahwweh and they're what I call Super Jews and they're as intolerant as the most radical Christians and I don't like 'em because they tried to force me to be as radical. I've dealt with a couple Orthodox Jews and they're not to my liking because they think they're 'better'. But we're not ALL alike and you're spreading nonsense about us to suit your hatred of us based on newscasts and stereotypes. Now there ARE some Orthodox who would be considered totalitarian, but they don't rule the Conservativs or the Reformed Jews. Times have changed in a couple thousand years.
(5) What you fail to mention here is the fact that the Jewish off shoot called Christianity are the ones that are bamboozled into believing that you, and by extension them too, are the “Chosen Ones”. And that’s a lot of people to have brainwashed into following Israel blindly. And most of them ARE ‘programmed from birth’ to believe “you better leave them Jews alone! They’re God’s Chosen People!” And, yes, I have actually heard people say that out loud, in public! (as they climb back into their pick up truck and spin out down the gravel road).
"Jews like to believe that they are more intelligent than the rest of the Human Family - yet they have been so easily used and abused!"
Excuse me, Poster 1, but you're spreading Anti-Semitic lies again! Shame on you! Where in the world did you get the idea that we think we're more intelligent? Those Jews that DO think they're more intelligent are the ignorant among us! We don't all think the same, and I'm on the same intelligence level as you! We're easily "used" and "abused" by those who don't know us, and base their knowledge of us on lies and stereotypes. Would you be so adament about Christians or Baptists who are "used" and "abused" for others' amusement based on lies? The problem with many is that they'll believe your Anti-Semitic crap.
(6) Uh, what is a ‘goyim’? “Used and abused” or not, what is a ‘goyim’? By definition, I think it means something like ‘dog, animal, or less than human’. I could be wrong, but that is my understanding of the mind set of the Jew: non-Jews are less than human, ‘goyim’. And there is not a human alive who does not have direct ancestors who lived under brutal totalitarianism at some point in time. So, by the Israeli standard, we are all "used" and "abused" for others' amusement. Yet, we try to live among one another, not separate from others, while confiscating their personal and national wealth.
"In any event, one of the tribes called themselves jews and also declared that they were the Chosen People of their god.And from them, my friend, sprang the desperate situation in which the world finds itself today.”
Poster 2
While there are Jews who think that, Poster 2, not ALL of us do and it's Anti-Semitic to think that of all of us! And it looks like you're a graduate of Mel Gibson University who choose to blame Jews for every little thing. Why don't you start blaming Christians for the desperate situation in which the world finds itself today. Or why don't you target the Mormons, or the Baptists or the Catholics or the Christian Scientists or Scientologists. You won't because you have to blame us. Since people have grown tired of blaming ALL Islamics for the acts of a few, Jews are the usual targets to get to next. Oh. Hope I'm spaced right so you can read me better.
Hater of anti-Semites
(7) “It's Anti-Semitic to think that of all of us!” See item (4). “Why don't you start blaming Christians for the desperate situation in which the world finds itself today.” I think I did. See item (5). And really, as I implied before, they are all human. They ‘believe’ in what they are doing just like the Islamic Fascists do. Don’t you recognize the common root words: fundamentalist, conservative? However, the true villain, truth be told, in all of this is money. Greed is its embodiment. Hate and ignorance is its vehicle. And War is its tool.
I attempt daily to shake off the shackles of fairy tales programmed into me and being lived out around me. I experience their bigotry and hypocrisy each and every day of my life. It’s all around me. And I recognize them for the blind sheep that they are. I struggle to feel compassion for them as I know that I should. And I don’t know that there is not enough blame to go around.
I am convinced of this: if you follow the money, it will lead you to the slave master and tyrant. And that is usually whoever controls the on/off switch to the printing press.
Every action causes an equal and opposite reaction: Karma.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Heartland Earthquake Log
I have stopped updating this entry, though I haven't stopped watching quakes in the zone. If you are looking for extensive real time and historical records of quakes in this area or around the world, a good resource is the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
Earthquake Probabilities based on Current PSHA Models USGS PSHA models are analysed to determine expected number of and probability of 1 in 200 of 1 or more >= 4.5 earthquakes in a 1000. km radius of 90.236 d W 36.047 d N in time interval T= 20.00 years.
Mag Date Time Lon Lat Depth (km)
4.6 2008/04/18 15:14:17 38.483 -87.891 10.0 ILLINOIS
2.6 2008/04/18 11:55:58 38.465 -87.854 10.0 ILLINOIS
2.5 2008/04/18 10:15:36 38.648 -88.222 10.0 ILLINOIS
2.5 2008/04/18 10:03:59 38.453 -87.805 10.0 ILLINOIS
5.2 2008/04/18 09:37:00 38.450 -87.890 11.6 ILLINOIS
2.8 2008/03/31 10:44:39 36.980 -90.410 6.6 SOUTHEASTERN MISSOURI 12 km (8 miles) E (86°) from Williamsville, MO
2.5 2008/02/26 10:33:54 36.000 -89.880 9.4 ARKANSAS Gosnell
2.5 2008/01/27 11:38:09 36.320 -89.510 6.7 TENNESSEE Portageville
2.5 2008/01/20 09:13:54 36.630 -89.560 9.9 SOUTHEASTERN MISSOURI New Madrid
2.8 2007/12/27 01:11:31 36.120 -89.730 6.9 SOUTHEASTERN MISSOURI South of Haiti
2.5 2007/11/27 20:55:49 35.960 -89.970 6.2 SOUTHEASTERN MISSOURI Gosnell
2.8 2007/11/23 09:23:06 36.770 -90.800 10.2 SOUTHEASTERN MISSOURI North of Doniphan
2.5 2007/11/22 16:41:39 36.280 -89.520 6.7 NORTHWEST TENNESSEE Northwest of Ridgely
3.0 2007/09/27 15:21:06 35.302 -99.708 5.0 WESTERN OKLAHOMA North/Northwest of Beckam
2.7 2007/09/15 23:16:43 30.740 -96.745 5.0 CENTRAL TEXAS Southwest of Hearne
2.6 2007/09/14 09:24:33 36.980 -88.980 7.7 WESTERN KENTUCKY North/Northwest of Blandville
2.9 2007/09/09 13:49:09 35.680 -91.450 3.8 NORTHEAST ARKANSAS South/Southwest Of Newark
3.1 2007/09/07 10:40:47 36.210 -93.100 0.1 CENTRAL NORTH ARKANSAS South of Harrison
2.5 2007/09/04 04:18:23 36.140 -91.410 9.2 CENTRAL NORTH ARKANSAS South of Hardy
2.6 2007/09/03 15:58:30 36.390 -89.450 4.6 WEST TENNESSEE Between Tiptonville and Reelfoot Lake
Will the quake come before the Market Crash?
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Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Veterans Administration - Nothing new here
Just ask any Veteran of the Vietnam conflict and on up to present day and they will most likely tell you that the V.A. is a dismal failure as a health care provider. The fact is that the V.A. is a federally sponsored H.M.O. and as is the case with any and all capitalist driven 'business', the dollar is the bottom line. They are not concerned in the least with the health and well being of any of its 'patients'. They are only interested in the money that they can save by denying treatment and benefits that are justly deserved by its 'patients'.
If the V.A. were held to the same standard that any other citizen or business are held to, they would have folded years ago under charges of neglect, malfeasance, and malpractice. I have been a veteran for over 20 years and have been denied treatment and services for my entire adult life. From my perspective, the V.A. is guilty of breech of contract at the very least.
But then, that would be holding the government accountable. And we all know that they are accountable to no one save the World Bank. And as usual, the people who the government is suppose to serve and protect are the ones who get screwed.
Great News! US Marijuana Market “Saturated,” Pot Prices To Fall, Federal Report Says
Washington, DC:Domestic marijuana production has risen dramatically in recent years and will likely result in reduced retail prices for pot, according to the US National Drug Intelligence Center’s (NDIC) 2008 "National Drug Threat Assessment" report.
"[R]ecent increases in cannabis cultivation and marijuana production within the United States coincide with the continued flow of marijuana from foreign sources," the report finds. "[This] may lead to market saturation in major markets, [which] could reduce the price of the drug significantly."
Since 2000, the total number of domestic marijuana plants seized by US law enforcement has increased from 2.8 million to over 5.2 million, the report finds. Authors speculate that a significant portion of the increase in pot production is due to commercial growers relocating their operations indoors, which allows them to increase their total number of harvests per year and produce higher-quality cannabis.
"[Though] the demand for marijuana appears to be relatively stable, … many users now prefer … higher-potency marijuana over commercial-grade marijuana," authors state. Nevertheless, the report concludes that "most" of the marijuana available in the United States continues to be "lower-potency, commercial-grade marijuana produced in Mexico."
In 2006, law enforcement seized more than 1.1 million kilograms of pot along the US/southwest border, according to the study. By contrast, law enforcement seized fewer than 4,200 kilograms of pot along the US/Canadian border.
Domestically, California continues to lead all US states in pot production, with an estimated 2.9 million plants having been eradicated by law enforcement so far this year. This record total is more than four times the total number of plants seized in 2005.
Among California’s counties, Lake County, Humboldt County, and Shasta County report the largest numbers of pot seizures.
For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre, NORML Executive Director, at (202) 483-5500, or Paul Armentano, NORML Senior Policy Analyst, at: Full text of the NDIC report, "National Drug Threat Assessment 2008" is available online at:
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Officials overreacted to protest, they say; "Don't tase me Bro" Redeux
Anti-war and free-speech advocates joined angry parents and students in their battle with Berwyn school district officials who may expel a group of students who took part in an Iraq war protest at a school last week.
The lunchtime protest Nov. 1 in the Morton West High School cafeteria was viewed as a peaceful sit-in by students, but school officials charged two dozen of them with "gross disobedience and mob activity," which call for suspensions and possible expulsions.
Read the whole story and watch the video at the Chicago Tribune.
The military can say what they want at high schools across the nation, but the students are prohibited from stating their minds!
It's "Don't tase me, bro!" all over again.
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Monday, November 12, 2007
Study finds that veterans are a quarter of the homeless
Veterans make up one in four homeless people in the United States, though they are only 11 percent of the general adult population, according to a report to be released Nov. 8.
And homelessness is not just a problem among middle-age and elderly veterans. Younger veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan are trickling into shelters and soup kitchens seeking services, treatment or help with finding a job.
The Veterans Affairs Department has identified 1,500 homeless veterans from the current wars and says 400 of them have participated in its programs specifically targeting homelessness.
The Alliance to End Homelessness, a public education nonprofit, based the findings of its report on numbers from Veterans Affairs and the Census Bureau. 2005 data estimated that 194,254 homeless people out of 744,313 on any given night were veterans.
In comparison, the VA says that 20 years ago, the estimated number of veterans who were homeless on any given night was 250,000.
This is a symptom of a much deeper problem in Amerika. The Ruling Class simply don't give a fuck about the people it kills, the ones it sends to do the killing, nor the working class in its own nation. " 744,313", almost one million people who are homeless in what used to be the wealthiest nation in the world!
And homelessness is an issue that comes before the Amerikan inability to provide adequate health care to its citizens. It is simply a disgrace!
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Spanish King Tells Chavez to 'Shut Up'
SANTIAGO, Chile — The king of Spain told Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to "shut up" Saturday during a heated exchange that soured the end of a summit of leaders from Latin America, Spain and Portugal.
Aznar, a conservative who was an ally of Bush as prime minister, "is a fascist," Chavez said in a speech at the Ibero-American summit in Santiago, Chile. "Fascists are not human. A snake is more human."
Spain's current socialist prime minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, responded during his own allotted time by urging Chavez to be more diplomatic in his words and respect other leaders despite political differences.
"Former President Aznar was democratically elected by the Spanish people and was a legitimate representative of the Spanish people," he said, eliciting applause from the gathered heads of state.
Chavez repeatedly tried to interrupt, but his microphone was off.
Spanish King Juan Carlos, seated next to Zapatero, angrily turned to Chavez and said, "Why don't you shut up?"
The Venezuelan leader did not immediately respond, but later used time ceded to him by his close ally Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega to answer Zapatero's speech.
"I do not offend by telling the truth," he said. "The Venezuelan government reserves the right to respond to any aggression, anywhere, in any space and in any manner."
In his speech to 18 heads of state gathered in Santiago, Chavez claimed that Aznar in 2000 asked him to distance Venezuela from Cuba and join "the club." Chavez, a close ally of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, said he'd refused.
Saturday's exchange between Chavez, Zapatero, and Spain's king overshadowed the conclusion of the three-day summit.
Leaders pledged to fight poverty and increase regional cooperation. They signed a landmark accord that will allow nearly 6 million migrant workers in Latin America, Spain and Portugal to transfer social security benefits between their nations. The leaders also vowed to fight "all forms of terrorism" and called on the U.S. to end its economic embargo against Cuba.
Isn't that the way it always is? Fascism seeks to silence any and all opposition. Way to go Hugo! You keep speaking truth!
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
Documentary 'The Israel lobby - The influence of AIPAC on US Foreign Policy
Do you REALLY believe that "most" Amerikan's are sympathetic to Israel? I can only speak for myself when I say, Bull Shit. Israel is the primary problem in the world today!
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Saturday, November 10, 2007
America's Mayor has turned into America's Maniac
Torture, says Rudy Giuliani, is smart. He endorses the medieval practice of waterboarding, revived in CIA torture chambers after 9/11, in which a person is strapped to a board, tipped back and forced to inhale water to induce the sensation of drowning.
"It depends on how it's done," Giuliani said when asked about waterboarding and whether it is torture. "It depends on the circumstances. It depends on who does it." Giuliani used to be a federal prosecutor. Would he have used similar logic in the prosecution of an accused torturer?
The mayor-turned-monster even used a campaign stop in Iowa to mock the victims of sleep deprivation, long acknowledged by international law as one of the severest forms of torture. "They talk about sleep deprivation," he said. "I mean, on that theory, I'm getting tortured running for president of the United States. That's plain silly. That's silly."
Waterboarding causes pain, brain damage and broken bones (from the restraints used on struggling victims), and death. Survivors are psychologically scarred. "Some victims were still traumatized years later," Dr. Allen Keller, director of the Bellevue/New York University Program for Survivors of Torture, told The New Yorker. "One patient couldn't take showers, and panicked when it rained."
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Tommy Chong - 2007 NORML Conference
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Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
Bush Makes 'Dry Run' at Martial Law
Bush Makes 'Dry Run' at Martial Law
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - As a Proxy for George W. Bush in a study on World Reaction to the Suspension of Democracy through declaration of Martial Law, Musharraf, who took power in a 1999 coup and is also head of Pakistan's army, suspended the constitution on Saturday ahead of a Supreme Court ruling on whether his re-election as president was legal. He ousted independent-minded judges, stripped media freedoms and granted sweeping powers to authorities to crush dissent.
Police fired tear gas and battered thousands of lawyers protesting President Gen. Pervez Musharraf's decision to impose emergency rule, as Western allies threatened to review aid to the troubled Muslim nation. More than 1,500 people have been arrested in 48 hours, and authorities put a stranglehold on independent media. Police officers fire tear gas at lawyers inside the Lahore High Court, protesting against Pakistani... Police officers in plain clothes arrest a lawyer who was protesting against state of emergency...
Though public anger was mounting in the nation of 160 million people, which has been under military rule for much of its 60-year history, demonstrations so far have been limited largely to activists, rights workers and lawyers. All have been quickly and sometimes brutally stamped out.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Washington was reviewing its assistance to Pakistan, which has received billions in aid since Musharraf threw his support behind the U.S.-led war on terror after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
At a news conference in the West Bank on Monday, Rice urged Musharraf to follow through on past promises to "take off his uniform."
"I want to be very clear," she said, as a team of U.S. defense officials postponed plans to travel to Islamabad for talks Tuesday because of the crisis. "We believe that the best path for Pakistan is to quickly return to a constitutional path and then to hold elections."
Britain also said it was reviewing its aid package to Pakistan, and the Dutch government suspended its aid on Monday.
Musharraf reiterated to foreign ambassadors Monday that he was committed to complete the transition to democracy, though, under a state of emergency, elections scheduled for January could be pushed back by up to a year, according to the government.
Critics say Musharraf imposed emergency rule in a last-ditch attempt to cling to power.
His leadership is threatened by the Islamic militant movement that has spread from border regions to the capital, the reemergence of political rival and former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, and an increasingly defiant Supreme Court, which has been virtually decimated in the last two days.
Since late Saturday, between 1,500 and 1,800 people have been detained nationwide, an Interior Ministry official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. They include opposition leaders, lawyers and human rights activists who might mobilize protests.
At least 67 workers and supporters of Bhutto - who has held talks in recent months with Musharraf over an alliance to fight extremism - had been arrested, said Pakistan People's Party spokesman Farhatullah Babar.
Lawyers - who were the driving force behind protests earlier this year when Musharraf tried unsuccessfully to fire independent-minded chief justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry - attempted to stage rallies in major cities on Monday, but were beaten and arrested.
Chaudhry was removed from his post on Saturday, just as the Supreme Court was preparing to rule on whether Musharraf's Oct. 6 re-election. Opponents say he should be disqualified because he contested the vote as army chief.
In the biggest gathering Monday, about 2,000 lawyers congregated at the High Court in the eastern city of Lahore. As lawyers tried to exit onto a main road, hundreds of police stormed inside, swinging batons and firing tear gas. Lawyers, shouting "Go Musharraf Go!" responded by throwing stones and beating police with tree branches.
Police bundled about 250 lawyers into waiting vans, an Associated Press reporter saw. At least two were bleeding from the head.
In the capital, Islamabad, hundreds of police and paramilitary troops lined roads and rolled out barbed-wire barricades on Monday to seal off the Supreme Court.
Only government employees heading for nearby ministries were allowed through. Two black-suited lawyers whose car was stopped by police argued in vain that they should be granted entry. They were eventually escorted away by two police cars.
A few dozen activists from hard-line Islamic parties gathered nearby, chanting slogans including "Hang, Musharraf, hang!"
As well as calling for protests, lawyers' groups have vowed to boycott all court proceedings held in front of new judges sworn by Musharraf.
Rana Bhagwandas, a Supreme Court judge who refused to take oath under Musharraf's proclamation of emergency orders, said he has been locked inside in his official residence in Islamabad and that other judges were being pressured to support the government.
"They are still working on some judges, they are under pressure," Bhagwandas told Geo TV in a phone interview.
Authorities have imprisoned or put under house arrest key Musharraf critics, among them Javed Hashmi, the acting president of the party of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif; cricket star-turned politician, Imran Khan; Asma Jehangir, chairman of the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan; and Hamid Gul, former chief of the main intelligence agency.
Pakistan's largest religious party Jamaat-e-Islami reported that more than 500 of its workers and supporters had been detained since Sunday, including its leader, according to senior members of the party and police.
Attorney General Malik Mohammed Qayyum said Sunday a new panel of Supreme Court judges would rule "as early as possible" on Musharraf's eligibility for a new five-year presidential term.
All of this is just a 'Dry Run' for the Bush Administration. And they would be wise to acknowledge the intolerance of the people to Musharraf's attempt to subvert true Democracy by Military Rule.
And Americans should take heed to the extremes that they may need to go to in the not too distant future if their leaders don't see the folly of their ways.
If the Bush Administration conducts a 'False Flag' Operation, or equally likely if we truly do have a national emergency, and declares Martial Law, there will be the same kind of Civil Unrest and 'the rounding up' of 'dissidents'.
Is EVERYONE prepared for this?
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Sunday, November 04, 2007
Disparity Reporting of Israel
Israel periodically mounts massive invasions into Palestinian communities, using tanks, helicopter gunships, and F-16 fighter jets. Palestinian fighters resisting these forces possess rifles and homemade mortars and rockets. A minute fraction strap explosives onto their own bodies and attempt to deliver their bombs in person; often they kill only themselves.
While the large majority of Palestinians oppose suicide bombings, many feel that armed resistance has become necessary - much as Americans supported war after the attack at Pearl Harbor. Nevertheless, only a small portion take an active part in the resistance, despite the fact that virtually all support its aim: to create a nation free from foreign oppression.
1,025 Israelis and at least 4,308 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000.
0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and 4,170 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since September 29, 2000.
Israel currently has 223 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land.
(Statistics from: If Americans )
Friday, November 02, 2007
"The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which carries out the central bank's open market operations, moved Thursday to inject $41 billion in temporary reserves into the U.S financial system. It came as part of ongoing efforts designed to ensure that the markets -- which have suffered through a period of turbulence over the last few months -- function smoothly. The cash infusion came in three separate operations.
A New York Fed spokesman said it was the largest single day of operations since $50.35 billion was pumped into the system on Sept. 19, 2001, following the terror strikes on New York and Washington. He declined further comment."

Thu, 1 Nov 2007 14:18 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 13,710.12 -219.89
NASDAQ 2,823.76 -35.36
S&P 500 1,524.93 -24.45
Wed, 7 Nov 2007 13:21 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 13,436.51 -224.43
NASDAQ 2,780.16 -45.02
S&P 500 1,493.32 -26.95
Thu, 8 Nov 2007 13:08 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 13,183.45 -116.57
NASDAQ 2,678.31 -70.45
S&P 500 1,463.05 -12.57
Fri, 9 Nov 2007 15:30 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 13,042.74 -223.55
NASDAQ 2,627.94 -68.06
S&P 500 1,453.70 -21.07
My personal hopeful expectation: a crash. Simply a complete and total failure of the market and of the United States (puppet) Government. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Who knows, perhaps the (big) heartland earth quake that I have been waiting for will hasten the collapse of the market!
Mon, 19 Nov 2007 11:58 AM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 12,986.57 -190.22
NASDAQ 2,595.02 -42.22
S&P 500 1,434.97 -23.77
The DOW has fallen now 1000 points in roughly 4 weeks after a record high of over 1400 points. I anticipate a continued decline for the next 15 months at minimum. Though it may have brief recovery periods, it will continue to fall until George Dumbya Bullshitler and Company are removed from office. I have no idea at this time what that alone will do to world market investment confidence. (Could you imagine being THAT hated world wide?) But regardless of any reaction to a change of regime here in the United States, the declining trend will continue. The damage has been done. It will take 20 years or more for the World to recover from the arrogance and misdeeds done by the American Government world wide.
While the market has not closed at < 1300 as of this writing, it is coming. The trend will continue as the world writhes under the oppressive hand of fascism.
Symbol Price Change
DOW 12,799.04 -211.10
NASDAQ 2,562.15 -34.66
S&P 500 1,416.77 -22.93
WOO HOO! To my friends whom this 'market crash' is hurting, I am sorry for your losses. But did you really think that the natural correction of society would come without pain? Take your remaining gains and invest them in survival equipment and supplies. It can only get worse before it gets better.
Sat, 24 Nov 2007 13:21 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 12,980.88 0.00
NASDAQ 2,596.60 +34.45
S&P 500 1,440.70 +23.93
And Black Friday did nothing to restore investor confidence. Can I get a big "Awwwwwe".
Mon, 31 Dec 2007 22:15 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 13,264.82 -101.05
NASDAQ 2,652.28 -22.18
S&P 500 1,468.36 -10.13
Wed, 2 Jan 2008 17:53 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 13,043.96 -220.86
NASDAQ 2,609.63 -42.65
S&P 500 1,447.16 -21.20
Fri, 4 Jan 2008 17:22 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 12,800.18 -256.54
NASDAQ 2,504.65 -98.03
S&P 500 1,411.63 -35.53
Wed, 9 Jan 2008 08:25 AM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 12,589.07 -238.42
NASDAQ 2,440.51 -58.95
S&P 500 1,390.19 -25.99
Tue, 15 Jan 2008 16:15 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 12,501.11 -277.04
NASDAQ 2,417.59 -60.71
S&P 500 1,380.95 -35.30
Mon, 21 Jan 2008 21:18 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 12,099.30 -59.91
NASDAQ 2,340.02 -6.88
S&P 500 1,325.19 -8.06
The stock market world wide took a nose dive as Wall Street had the day off in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Let's see what tomorrow brings, shall we?
Tue, 22 Jan 2008 15:46 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 11,971.19 -128.11
NASDAQ 2,292.27 -47.75
S&P 500 1,310.50 -14.69
Woo Hoo! The day opened with a 460 sell off but rallied some of its losses by days end. Let's shoot for 10,000 now, shall we.
Wed, 23 Jan 2008 15:45
PM Symbol Price Change
DOW 12,270.17 +298.98
NASDAQ 2,316.41 +24.14
S&P 500 1,338.60 +28.12
Boo Hiss! Looks like someone is buying the lie. Certainly not me!
Wed, 30 Jan 2008 15:02 PM
I only just realized that I should be watching the value of the dollar a little more closely as compared to other currencies. Let's watch the value of the dollar drop worldwide...
1.0000 1.0099 1.4878 1.9921 0.9215 0.0094 0.8983
Mon, 4 Feb 2008 17:56 PM
1.0000 1.0073 1.4831 1.9738 0.9195 0.0094 0.9080
Wed, 6 Feb 2008 20:09 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 12,200.10 -65.03
NASDAQ 2,278.75 -30.82
S&P 500 1,326.45 -10.19
1.0000 0.9940 1.4632 1.9608 0.9122 0.0094 0.8944
Now, let's try this again. Come on <12,000 !
Thu, 21 Feb 2008 18:25 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 12,284.30 -142.96
NASDAQ 2,299.78 -27.32
S&P 500 1,342.53 -17.50
1.0000 0.9890 1.4821 1.9632 0.9190 0.0093 0.9193
Over the past two weeks the market has attempted to rally and fluctuated amid rumors and speculation over the economic stimulus package and its ability to have any effect. Today, the bubble busted. More to the point, the world economy along with political stability took a tremendous jolt today. Several world events have rattled the establishment to its foundation during the course of the past week. And more will follow. If this is not the beginning of the end, then the end is already well under way.
Fri, 29 Feb 2008 16:31 PM
Symbol Price Change
DOW 12,266.39 -315.79
NASDAQ 2,271.48 -60.09
S&P 500 1,330.63 -37.05
1.0000 1.0132 1.5171 1.9883 0.9603 0.0096 0.9291
For the past week the market has been trying to rally and recover its losses based on the false promises and "rose colored glasses" outlook of the Chimp in Chief and his minions. When will they get the fact that he is a liar and a thief? Anyway, today the market tumbled over 300 points. The fact that jobs are being sent out of country at an unprecedented rate, the underhanded faulty loans that were bundled into junk bonds, and the rest of the world has lost all faith in Amerika and its worthless legal tender is finally coming back to haunt the sheeple.
Fri, 7 Mar 2008 16:37
PM Symbol Price Change
DOW 11,893.69 -146.70
NASDAQ 2,212.49 -8.01
S&P 500 1,293.37 -10.97
1.0000 1.0099 1.5352 2.0130 0.9752 0.0097 0.9276
WOO HOO! Do I hear <11,000? style="color: rgb(0, 0, 136); text-align: right;">Powered by Qumana
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Cleaning up the Nation's streets
FALCON 2007 continued to promote these important efforts, but took on a more focused, long-term approach by targeting twenty-seven cities and regions experiencing elevated levels of criminal activity. Working in conjunction with the Department of Justice, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, and other agencies, the U.S. Marshals Service identified and targeted the communities most in need of assistance. The Marshals then reached out to their many partners in federal, state, and local law enforcement to coordinate a sustainable push designed to safely apprehend the maximum number of violent predators. Deputy U.S. marshals teamed with agents, investigators, detectives, officers, and deputies to form a powerful unit that located and arrested 6,406 fugitive felons, ensuring a greater level of safety on the streets of America.
They're rounding 'em up and locking them away. Hold on to your seats!
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Ready for a Change?
Had enough yet? Are you sick and tired of 'Business as usual' in Washington D.C. ? Tired to death, as I am, of lawmakers pandering to big business and the Military Industrial Complex as our children get dumber and sicker from the complete and utter failure of 'No Child left behind' and the continued infighting over SCHIP?
"Stopping the war is our highest priority," he said. "More than a million Iraqis, including tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children, have died in this tragic and misguided debacle, not to mention more than 3,800 of our own men and women — and for no legitimate reason," added Moore."The wealthy have benefited tremendously from the recent boom in the financial markets, while the working poor in this country are struggling more than ever just to make ends meet," said Moore, whose party's economic program includes guaranteed jobs, housing, and health care for every American.
Why not consider Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander, presidential and vice-presidential nominees for the Socialist Party USA, and give change a chance.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
A Collection: Philosophers
I received an e-mail from a visitor to my blog a few weeks back that inspired me to a little project. The message read as follows:
Hello heartland. You asked for tips and here they are. You are a former Marine and Christian. Now you are a Buddhist and having trouble "practicing your faith." What you need to do is to read (translation: meditate upon until you know them by heart) various works. Here are some of them: Nietzsche, The Antichrist The works of Chuang-Tzu and Lao-Tzu. The Japanese Art of War by Thomas Cleary (you were a Marine.) Attack on Christendom by Kierkegaard. (Please find a translation that is easy to read. If Kierkegaard is obscure, it is the fault of the translator.) Buddhism is not a faith, it is closer to a philosophy (which it isn't either.) Don't "try" to practice it as a faith. The works of Alan Watts are a good ladder to get to where you want to go but if you forget to throw away the ladder once you get there, well, you might as well go back to being a fundamentalist Christian because the result will be better. I'm not looking for any correspondence from you, I'm just perpetrating a random act of kindness. You sound like a dedicated man of integrity and courage. We need people like you and I want to encourage you and push you along your path. Every one of the authors I recommended has a humorous and ironic side (except possibly
things, even in the darkest times. It might be the most important
advice of all.
Yours with feet firmly planted in nothingness,
This 'random act of kindness' inspired me to collect as many of these works, and others of import, as I could find in e-text and put them together into a single Library.For a package of must read literature, 'Philosophers' is a collection of works from such great philosophers as Aristotle, Nietzsche, Thoreau, Sun Tzu, and others packed in an application that allows you to add works to, rearrange, delete, or customize in any way you see fit. And the app also allows you to organize any other information and ideas in a hierarchical, tree-like structure. 'Philosophers' is a .gde file packed especially for use with 'The Guide'.'The Guide' is an application that allows you create documents ("guides") which inherently have a tree (which you can modify as you please) and text associated with each node of the tree. The text itself is of the rich-text variety, and the editor allows you to modify the style and formatting of the text (fonts, bold, italics etc). The Guide is available as an installable package for Microsoft Windows 2000 and upwards (XP, 2003, Vista). It should work (although not tested) on the 64-bit versions also. The binaries are also available as a zip file that requires no installation. The Guide is a 32-bit native C++ Win32 application (that uses MFC).You may get 'Philosophers' and 'The Guide' packed together by clicking here .
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