Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ready for a Change?

Had enough yet? Are you sick and tired of 'Business as usual' in Washington D.C. ? Tired to death, as I am, of lawmakers pandering to big business and the Military Industrial Complex as our children get dumber and sicker from the complete and utter failure of 'No Child left behind' and the continued infighting over SCHIP?

"Stopping the war is our highest priority," he said. "More than a million Iraqis, including tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children, have died in this tragic and misguided debacle, not to mention more than 3,800 of our own men and women — and for no legitimate reason," added Moore."The wealthy have benefited tremendously from the recent boom in the financial markets, while the working poor in this country are struggling more than ever just to make ends meet," said Moore, whose party's economic program includes guaranteed jobs, housing, and health care for every American.

Why not consider Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander, presidential and vice-presidential nominees for the Socialist Party USA, and give change a chance.

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