Wednesday, November 01, 2006

They've got what they can live with?!

President Bush responded to the question if they had enough troops on the ground in Iraq with, "They've got what they can live with."

They've got what they can live with?! What the hell is that suppose to mean? They are dying every freaking day! And it is clearly spiraling out of control. We have even been reduced to taking our orders there from the fledgling Iraqi government who is clearly taking their cues from Muktada al Sadir.

Our commander and chimp acts like a bully on the play ground insisting that his is the only way when it is clear to everyone on the play ground that his way is wrong. He thinks that if he just continues to insist that he is right that everyone will eventually see it his way!

And speaking of bullies, how about the body slam that the law student got for asking Allen a question! I hope that everyone see's the new Republican party for what it is: a bunch of spoiled rich boys who believe that they can do anything they want and resort to physical violence when someone says or does something that they don't like.

And the polls suggest that the upcoming election races are close. I am almost ashamed to be an American! Someone should be ashamed of something!

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