Thursday, September 28, 2006

'V' for Vendetta

The creators of the Matrix Trilogy have made another scorcher of an editorial on the corruption of the power of mass manipulation! However, this one is much more obvious in the target of its scorn. Symbolism is used thoroughly and effectively in its finger pointing.

The movie is set in London. If it had been set in Washington D.C., as the implication of its critique was obvious by the attitudes of the fictitious leaders, this movie would never have reached the screen.

Modified Christian crosses, total control of information to the masses, and the fomentation of fear as their primary weapon against 'free thinking' depicts a regime which becomes rich by covertly attacking its own people and then presenting themselves as the salvation of the people and controlling their every movement and thought in the name of the peoples' own security.

An excellent fictitious representation of reality. Pure entertainment with a potent message of awareness. 

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