Senator Obama has taken a couple of days to visit his ailing grandmother during the last 15 days of the campaign, as I am sure you know by now.
Analysis: The Senator is exhibiting classic symptoms of strong moral and family values. And we all know that "Real Americans" don't exhibit these traits.
Most folks are appalled at this statement, while they quietly (or not so quietly) screw over their own close family members. Come on! You, at the very least, know several people doing this, if you won't admit to it yourself.
So, the fact that Barack Obama is exhibiting these traits is proof positive that he is UNAMERICAN.
Am I voting for Obama? No. Do I appreciate what he is doing. YES, as far as it concerns his grandmother. Do I agree with his policies. No. Do I think he will be better than McCain? Marginally.
Does anyone care what I think about it? I seriously doubt it. But do I care that no one cares what I think? Absolutely not. In the end, it is not going to be your opinion, nor mine that ultimately counts. It will be, is, and always has been only the BANK that matters. (That isn't my rule, it is OUR rule. We allow it, so it is.)
Good luck to us all. And to Senator Obama's grandmother.