Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How Bush's Allies Support Our Troops

"If we (Republicans) fight this bill we will be rewarded (in November)."

So, if I understand their logic (?), we cannot reward our troops by giving them an education. Because if we give them an education, they won't reenlist. Basically, we get them when they are dumb as rocks and will do whatever they are told, without question, and we cannot give them an education because they will no longer be dumb as rocks and will no longer do our bidding.

And this must be what was behind "No child left behind'. Our children are getting dumber and cannot 'compete' in the job market. So, they become killers for hire for the Oil Industry and other corporate concerns. And we MUST maintain the status quo.

Hell, we have wars to fight and people to kill. We simply cannot allow our soldiers the luxury of having an independent thought and perhaps understanding what is being done to them.

And WE will reelect them (Republicans) for taking this stand AGAINST our troops?

This makes me ill.

See what you can do about this by clicking here.

Oh, and FYI... as dead set against this new G.I. Bill as John McCain purports that to be, he couldn't find the time to go and vote against it. I guess that I should thank him for that. Nah.