And who didn't see this coming? As the American Serviceman body count in Iraq slips past 4000, the Armed Forces are running out of bodies to fill the dead boys' boots. "Stop-Loss" can't cut it any more. The 6 day to 6 month and $60 billion incursion into Iraq has turned into a $600 billion operation with no end in sight. And the body count on both sides is soaring. And we know who will be sent to the front lines, too. Poor to middle class kids who might have a high school education. A fucking DRAFT! One that I am sure has loop holes for rich bitch kids to slip through!
HR 393 - Universal National Service Act of 2007 - U.S. House Bill
I suppose 15 months makes this less of a story. But the bill was presented... by a democrat. And hardly a peep was heard anywhere, by anyone about it. Luckily, it died without so much as a whimper. But the idea that it was even presented, and by a democrat at that, and few heard a thing about it suggests to me that it could be presented and passed without public knowledge in the future. We need to be vigilant in making our positions clear on such matters before they attempt to act in our stead.
HR 393 - Universal National Service Act of 2007 - U.S. House Bill
H. R. 393 To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the favorable treatment afforded combat pay under the earned income tax credit, and for other purposes.Tell them what to do with this piece of paper!
I suppose 15 months makes this less of a story. But the bill was presented... by a democrat. And hardly a peep was heard anywhere, by anyone about it. Luckily, it died without so much as a whimper. But the idea that it was even presented, and by a democrat at that, and few heard a thing about it suggests to me that it could be presented and passed without public knowledge in the future. We need to be vigilant in making our positions clear on such matters before they attempt to act in our stead.