Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bush: Iran announced desire for nuclear weapons

And the war drums start beating louder as Christianity (read capitalism) prepares for Jesus' rule here on earth... and the countdown to the end of time itself as suggested in the Mayan Calendar. The end of time reckoned there precisely at 4 years, 8 months, and 19 days from the time of this writing.

McClatchy Washington Bureau | 03/20/2008 | Bush erroneously says Iran announced desire for nuclear weapons
The president reiterated his view that Iran has a right to civilian nuclear power. But, he said, the low-enriched uranium fuel for its reactors should be supplied by Russia, a proposal that Tehran has repeatedly rejected. "The problem is the (Iranian) government cannot be trusted to enrich uranium because one, they've hidden programs in the past and they may be hiding one now. Who knows?" said Bush. "Secondly, they've declared they want to have a nuclear weapon to destroy people, some in the Middle East. And that is unacceptable to the United States and it's unacceptable to the world."

I'm not suggesting anything hokey here. I'm just sayin'...
If we can't change fate, we should at least stand together to TRY and stop those who would play to a dooms day mentality. We should TRY to stop the aggressors! Just as the argument that if there were no profit in the drug trade, drugs would be less of a problem, IF THERE WERE NO PROFIT IN WAR THERE WOULD BE LESS WAR!
Stop allowing your elected representatives to continue FUNDING war with YOUR MONEY!

Henry David Thoreau did something just like that... and he was really a pretty great guy. It is not unpatriotic to take a public and vocal stand when you are refusing to help fund something that you fundamentally don't support. And that goes for just about any of your beliefs toward public funding. But WAR?! Come on!

Click on the "Stupid" sign in the right hand side bar and send a message to the White House. Really! Why not? Tell them. And look up your senators and representatives and tell them to. I mean, after all, it doesn't take a lot just to tell them how you feel. Even if you approve of their performance (gag!), what does it hurt to tell them what you think? They need to know what their constituents think, too, even if they disagree with you. They need to know. And we need to tell them. And every day that killing at the hands of Americans goes on, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, we need to remind them of how we feel about it.

It doesn't take a lot of effort to bitch about something and sometimes it makes us feel better. And sometimes it helps.