Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"You're nuthin' but a bitch"

And now Republican Ralph Arza of Florida threatens a witness in a complaint against him saying, "You're nuthin' but a bitch".

James Sensenbrenner Jr., Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, turning the mic's and lights off and walking out of a hearing that he didn't approve of.

Ohio's officious jackass of an ex-Congressman Bob Ney, who went down for accepting $170,000 in trips from Abramoff in exchange for various favors.

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, after finally being indicted for money laundering and his fellow Texan, Rep. Pete Sessions, who did Abramoff's bidding after accepting gifts and junkets.

Convicted bribe-taker and GOP ex-congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham who still denies any wrong doing.

Mark Foley (need I say more).

And these are only GLARING examples of their ilk, the New Republican.

And this very same party who holds no one to account, circumvents the Constitution of The United States of America, and unarguably mismanages wars, disasters and our money are STILL PROPPED UP BY THE CHRISTIAN EVANGELICAL BASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deba, deba, deba, what the fuck, Buck?

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