I have been battling health care in our fine Amerikan culture again. It appears that I am losing. This comes as no surprise knowing that all life is terminal. I just hate it when the folks who are PAID to care take their fees without performing the service. I might bitch more here about it at another date, but today I am just too drained.
Just know this: if you rely on Amerikan Health Care in any way fashion or form, you are going to lose, too. The pricks actually make things worse, if ya let them.
I have not posted much for some time. I have been battling health issues. And I may just continue my "lack of posting" streak. But I will attempt to report more on my recent adventures before I am done completely.
Don't trust them. Don't even go to them. They're primary function is to make you ill and keep you coming back for yet more poison. Don't buy into it.
Good luck to us all!