Tuesday, July 24, 2007

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

I saw a commercial the other day that simply floored me. It was so repugnant that I simply had to call and ask them to send me their information so I could read it for myself, just to know that it was true, that they were for real.
It was a commercial for the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews and they wanted ME to send THEM money! The money is supposedly used to build bomb shelters for Israelis.
Here's an idea! Quit lobbing bombs at your neighbors and perhaps they will quit lobbing them at you! Quit CLAIMING the land "in the name of God" and treating those that you are displacing like shit.
And what REALLY irks me is that they are claiming that this organization is working toward peace... by building bomb shelters (if that is what they are doing with the money). And by the way, China displaced the Tibetans over half a century ago. Is anyone doing anything about that?
Well, we are making it easier for them to export their goods, like poison food, to unsuspecting consumers around the world.