Monday, November 14, 2016

Fascism is the new Chic

It appears that fascism has returned to out doorstep. Not that it ever left. I simply grew tired of writing about it every day. And I had hoped that a Republican-led government was not and issue. I thought they had discredited their selves. Instead, they have opened the door and empowered the basest elements of our society and given rise to the very real threat of fascism in America.

Our new fearless leader has given voice to the most fascist elements of the United States. They are coming out into the open in all their fearless glory since the Golden Haired God has pandered to them by removing civility from public discourse.

And people are fighting back with massive protests from coast to coast, the likes of which have not been seen in a century.

The disgruntled white man has decided that if they cannot maintain their illusion of superiority over all others that they will burn the whole thing down. And, I fear, that is exactly what they will do.

As I write our militarized police force is gearing up for martial law.

So, as I stated above, it appears that this voice will be forced to come out of semi-retirement and begin this commentary again.