In order to maintain an untenable position, you have to be actively ignorant.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
12 Signs America is in Decline
2. Education and skills Rank of U.S.: 16th out of 23 countries The US ranked near the bottom in a skills survey by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, which examined European and other developed nations. In its Skills Outlook 2013, the US placed 16th in adult literacy, 21st in adult numeracy out of 23, and 14th in problem-solving. Spots in prestigious US universities are highly sought-after. Yet higher education, once an effective way out of poverty in the US, isn’t anymore – at least not for lower-income and minority students. The authors quote studies showing, for example, that today 80% of white college students attend Barron’s Top 500 schools, while 75% of black and Latino students go to two-year junior colleges or open-admissions (not Top 500) schools. Poor students are also far less likely to complete a degree.
3. Internet speed and access Rank of U.S.: 16th out of 34 countries Broadband access has become essential for industry to grow and flourish. Yet in the US, penetration is low and speed relatively slow versus wealthy nations—thought the cost of internet is among the highest ($0.04 per megabit per second in Japan, for example, versus $0.53 in the US). The problem may be too much concentration and too little competition in the industry, the authors suggest.
4. Health Rank of U.S.: 33rd out of 145 countries When it comes to its citizens’ health, in countries that are home to at least one million people, the US ranks below many other wealthy countries. More American women also are dying during pregnancy and childbirth, the authors note, quoting a Lancet study. For every 100,000 births in the United States, 18.5 women die. Saudi Arabia and Canada have half that maternal death rate.
5. People living below the poverty line Rank of U.S.: 36th out of 162 countries, behind Morocco and Albania Officially, 14.5% of Americans are impoverished — 45.3 million people–according to the latest US Census data. That’s a larger fraction of the population in poverty than Morocco and Albania (though how nations define poverty varies considerably). The elderly have Social Security, with its automatic cost-of-living adjustments, to thank, the authors say, for doing better: Few seniors (one in 10) are poor today versus 50 years ago (when it was one in three). Poverty is also down among African Americans. Now America’s poor are more often in their prime working years, or in households headed by single mothers.
6. Children in poverty Rank of U.S.: 34th out of 35 countries surveyed When UNICEF relative poverty – relative to the average in each society—the US ranked at the bottom, above only Romania, even as Americans are, on average, six times richer than Romanians. Children in all of Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan fare better.
7. Income inequality Rank of U.S.: Fourth highest inequality in the world. The authors argue that the most severe inequality can be found in Chile, Mexico, Turkey — and the US. Citing the Gini coefficient, a common inequality metric, and data from Wall Street Journal/Mercer Human Resource Consulting, they say this inequality slows economic growth, impedes youths’ opportunities, and ultimately threatens the nation’s future (an OECD video explains). Worsening income inequality is also evident in the ratio of average CEO earnings to average workers’ pay. That ratio went from 24:1 in 1965 to 262:1 in 2005.
8. Prison population Rank of U.S.: First out of 224 countries More than 2.2 million Americans are in jail. Only China comes close, the authors write, with about 1.66 million.
9. Life satisfaction Rank of U.S.: 17th out of 36 countries The authors note Americans’ happiness score is only middling, according to the OECD Better Life Index. (The index measures how people evaluate their life as a whole rather than their current feelings.) People in New Zealand, Finland, and Israel rate higher in life satisfaction. A UN report had a similar finding.
10. Corruption Rank of U.S.: 17th out of 175 countries. Barbados and Luxembourg are ahead of the US when it comes to citizens’ perceptions of corruption. Americans view their country as “somewhat corrupt,” the authors note, according to Transparency International, a Berlin-based nonprofit. In a separate survey of American citizens, many said politicians don’t serve the majority’s interest, but are biased toward corporate lobbyists and the super-rich. “Special interest groups are gradually transforming the United States into an oligarchy,” the authors argue, “concerned only about the needs of the wealthy.”
11. Stability Rank of U.S.: 20th out of 178 countries. The Fragile States Index considers factors such as inequality, corruption, and factionalism. The US lags behind Portugal, Slovenia and Iceland.
12. Social progress index Rank of U.S.: 16th out of 133 countries A broad measure of social well-being, the index comprises 52 economic indicators such as access to clean water and air, access to advanced education, access to basic knowledge, and safety. Countries surpassing the US include Ireland, the UK, Iceland, and Canada.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Fascism is the new Chic
It appears that fascism has returned to out doorstep. Not that it ever left. I simply grew tired of writing about it every day. And I had hoped that a Republican-led government was not and issue. I thought they had discredited their selves. Instead, they have opened the door and empowered the basest elements of our society and given rise to the very real threat of fascism in America.
Our new fearless leader has given voice to the most fascist elements of the United States. They are coming out into the open in all their fearless glory since the Golden Haired God has pandered to them by removing civility from public discourse.
And people are fighting back with massive protests from coast to coast, the likes of which have not been seen in a century.
The disgruntled white man has decided that if they cannot maintain their illusion of superiority over all others that they will burn the whole thing down. And, I fear, that is exactly what they will do.
As I write our militarized police force is gearing up for martial law.
So, as I stated above, it appears that this voice will be forced to come out of semi-retirement and begin this commentary again.
Friday, September 09, 2016
Senator asks for investigation in response to news that Trump's modeling agency illegaly hired immigrant women who did not have the appropriate work visas.
A United States senator just sent the Department of Homeland Security a letter asking for the immediate investigation of Donald Trump’s modeling agency after an August 30th publication by media outlet, Mother Jones, in which Trump’s company was accused of trafficking illegal immigrants willing to work as models.
The openly anti-immigrant candidate is being accused of “illegally importing” women to work as models in his agency, and while this makes him look like a giant fool, it could also hold legal ramifications that would leave Trump paying a hefty fine, and possibly even serving jail time for human trafficking.
This isn’t the first time that Trump has been accused of shipping immigrants in with the sole intention of exploiting them for near slave wages. One woman, in particular, was set to be on Trump’s cancelled MTV show “Girls of Hedsor Hall.” Earlier this summer, she spoke out against Trump, saying that he brought her here for no reason other than to be able to pay her less than minimum wage.
Good I'm glad SOMEONE is responding to some of these illegal activities undertaken by Donald Trump.
Don't forget he is also still being accused of multiple rapes, facing a lawsuit for ripping Trump University students off, and the subject of a probe into possibly illegal donations to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.
And that is all on top of the thousands of lawsuits that already involve Donald Trump.
Oh yeah, this running for President was a great idea.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Pocket Constitution
This election season, the ACLU wants to help you brush up on your rights. So they're giving away FREE pocket Constitutions - and you can order yours now!
Join me in getting this election season's must-have accessory: the ACLU pocket Constitution.
Wednesday, August 03, 2016
All Christians are bad
I'm really getting tired of the "all Muslims are bad" trope.
Everyone everywhere is always so quick to condemn those of whom they know nothing.
The truth is that people are people regardless what they call their creator... or if they even believe in a creator!
This debate is an insult to intelligent thinking people everywhere.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Southern Comfort
One of the things I love about the south is their human compassion.
The consensus among them is that Gay's "asked for it", said of the Orlando Massacre.
Yeah, that Southern Charm is heart warming.
Sunday, June 05, 2016
U.S. Congressman Reads Bible Verse Before Vote on LGBT Rights — Calling for ‘Death to Gays’
Here’s your very own American Taliban in action.
Washington D.C. — (RT) A GOP congressman has called on the Bible for help with a verse condemning homosexuality – right ahead of the vote on a Democrat-proposed amendment that would prohibit work discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
Shortly before voting started on Thursday on the Energy-Water appropriations bill, a freshman member had read a verse that essentially calls for death to homosexuals.
Rick W. Allen, the Georgia Republican with the Bible, went straight for the jugular with Romans 1:18-32 and Revelations 22:18-19, which greatly antagonized gay activists who called for him to be censured.
Monday, May 30, 2016
White, Heterosexual Christians Are The Only Hope For America
Here's a tip: if you have to assert that the word vomit coming from your mouth is not racist, it probably is.
Ohio Religious Right activist “Coach” Dave Daubenmire posted a video message this morning declaring that Satan is out to destroy white, heterosexual Christian males because they represent the only hope for saving America.
“The attack that’s going on in America today is against the white, heterosexual male,” he said. “That’s the battle. If Satan can get control of the family, if they can get the white, heterosexual male removed from the scene, if they can get him ‘de-balled,’ if I will, if they can do that, there is nothing to hold back the forces of darkness in America.”
“It’s not racist, it’s the truth,” he added